It contains 4 lessons on the Armor of God for mixed age Sunday school. The Bible gives us a description of an ancient Roman soldier's armor and tells us how we can put on supernatural armor to protect and defend ourselves from Satan's fiery attacks. When a player rolls one of the armor pieces he or she puts it on. (Jesus makes us righteous "right with God." We just popped some really fun worksheets on the website. Required fields are marked *. Jesus will never lie to us or mislead us. How would this invisible piece of armor help us and protect us? When the armor pieces are completed, use the Armor of God Playing Cube to play the Armor of God Game; the rules are described, below. How do you think the "Helmet of Salvation" protects our minds? Sunday School Games That Teach a Lesson for Tweens and Teens Protection. (Biking, sports, motorcycles.) Students should take turns turning over whichever cap they think contains the next word in the scripture. "Soldiers of Christ Arise - Traditional Hymn", Soldiers of Christ Arise - Rap Why do you think we are told to have our feet fitted with the Gospel of Peace? Teach about Father Abraham and Sons by Jumping Rope! We are told to "put on the full armor of God" to protect ourselves from Then have the children draw the armor pieces on their body outline as you explain them. Love it? Optional Memory Verse: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. Music Praise Classic Songbook), "My Shield" and "Power" (both songs are from "How I Praise You! BIBLE GAME PREPARATION: This Challenge teaches that God will help us get through difficult times and temptations. The Bible says we are to guard our hearts in Christ Jesus.) The Bible says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15). But Jesus promises to be bigger than any situation we find ourselves in. Why do you think we are told to use the "Shield of Faith" to protect ourselves? Let’s unscramble his words and find what protection he offers in this fun Bible game! Our battle is fought by using God's Word and in prayer. It's a great memory tool! Is it good for our minds? And don’t forget to Follow me on Twitter, where I will shae more Bible game ideas! CCPA - Do not sell my personal information, © Children's Ministry DealsEcommerce Software by Shopify, Elementary Ministry Curriculum (Ages 6-12). And for shields, I used what are called "pizza rounds" which are 12-inch round pieces of corrugated cardboard which I got really cheap from a packing supply store. BIBLE GAME INSTRUCTIONS: I have overcome the world." in a very a special way.) 8:42 am God Is There When It’s More Than We Can Bear (OBJ LESSON) Time. Enjoy watching! Object Needed: Apple Seeds Bible Verse: John 16:33 Big Idea: Trust in God We've included the text for this object lesson below and we even recorded a video to help give you ideas for how to teach it. below.) Your email address will not be published. The kids were all so thrilled to take their cubes home to play with later. BIBLE GAME PREPARATION: It's not near enough to hurt you. Sally from Wichita writes, "I just want to let you know how much fun my group had playing the Armor of God game with the playing cube. The student to collect the most bottle caps and say the scripture in order wins. Coordinating Activities: Practice the memory verse; make a shield (see suggestions below). You can make candy apples. How do helmets protect us? They're usually stuck in the core of the apple, and it's not easy to get to, but sometimes it happens, doesn't it? "Onward Christian Soldiers", "I Am A Christian, A Mighty, Mighty Mighty Christian" (by Ronnie Caldwell-Children's Church Classics Volume Two) "I'm in the Lord's Army" (by Cedarmont KIDS Classics: Action Bible Songs), "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" (by Maranatha! bookstore.) (listen to rap). REVIEW The Belt of Truth - A soldier's belt tied up his tunic so he wouldn't stumble over loose clothing. You can either write the scriptures down in a place where they can see the whole thing or (perhaps better) be prepared to say them over and over as they need to listen for each word. Copyright 2003 Sarah Keith Thirty bottle caps (optional), round cutouts with words of scripture in them. You can give each student two guesses in a row if they aren’t getting anywhere.
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