However, the fast-paced and live aspect of social media can drive skeptical researchers not to publish, but successful reactions and quick responses can increase a researcher’s credibility. Making good connections and keeping them is an ongoing commitment. 2018. “Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0.” Today, there are an endless amount of resources accessible on the internet at your fingertips that allow you to do the same thing. 2007. 2018. Molina, José Luis, and Stephen P. Borgatti. ACM Press. ResearchGate is a website that provides scientists with a forum to share and discuss their research as well as find collaborators., Dr Tristan Henderson, School of Computer Science Dr Juliette Summers, School of ManagementDr Vicky Ward, School of Management. Our list of the most interesting social media research paper topics. Enago Academy also conducts workshops primarily for ESL authors, early-stage researchers, and graduate students. Social media is increasingly used as a platform for recruiting and interacting with research participants or collecting research data about users. Sharing and reposting others’ work, and being an active member on social media brings more attention to your profile and can enhance your reputation. 2017. The same rule applies. 2019. One of the factors that prevent researchers from getting involved in social media is the time and work required to build an effective network. Social media posts may be persistent and may reach a larger audience than intended. Of course, there other ways to use social media. “What Is Special Category Data?” “How researchers use social media to promote their research and network with industry,” Technology Information Management Review 7(8), 32-39. Are you making assumptions about whether people would be willing to let you use their data? Other resources such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube are more time-consuming, requiring you to regularly produce and curate content (posts, videos, slides, etc.) Subscribe for free to get unrestricted access to all our resources on research writing and academic publishing including: We hate spam too. Information Commissioner’s Office. Discuss. However, if you were active on different community or special interest pages that relate to your area of study and participate in regular discussions with other researchers on these sites, then you may find yourself having a much wider reach. The lack of reproducibility in much social media research may also make it difficult to use such research as a building block for further work (Hutton and Henderson 2018). The different social media outlets are simply interactive pathways on the internet that companies and businesses use to form relationships and network with others without leaving one’s desk. Research is about producing new information, and social media offers unique opportunities to present new content. As a scientist, once you publish your research, you want to share it with as many colleagues and people so that they may read your novel findings. A further complication comes from using social media data to infer special category data, such as in the sexual orientation study described earlier. If that is not possible, it must be postponed. All rights reserved. How to Assign Authorship & Contributorship, Fulfilling the Trust: 50 Years of Shaping Muslim Religious Life in Singapore, Encyclopedia Of Thermal Packaging, Set 3: Thermal Packaging Applications (A 3-volume Set), Theology and Science: From Genesis to Astrobiology, An Editor-in-Chief Shares His Insights on ‘Avoiding Ethical Issues in Academic Publishing’, An Editor-in-Chief’s Advice on ‘How to Avoid Desk Rejections of Your Manuscript’, Enago’s Author Workshop at Yonsei University for Korean Researchers, Author Outreach Program by Enago: A Big Hit amongst Latin American Academics and Research Professionals, incorporate social media into your daily routine. “The Ethics of Using Social Media in Fisheries Research.” Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 26 (2): 235–42. Social Media and Research. Special consideration therefore needs to be given to protecting the identity of social media users. “Lost Umbrellas: Bias and the Right to Be Forgotten in Social Media Research.” In Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges, edited by Michael Zimmer and Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, 75–91. We’ve prepared 69 amazing topics for social media research paper. ResearchGate: It is a social networking platform especially for scientists and researchers to share and interact on research topics. “The Ethics Ecosystem: Personal Ethics, Network Governance and Regulating Actors Governing the Use of Social Media Research Data.” Minerva 57 (3): 317–43. While all social media outlets have the potential for massive reach, it all comes back to a matter of whom you connect with or engage. “Social Data: Biases, Methodological Pitfalls, and Ethical Boundaries.” Frontiers in Big Data 2 (July). Blogging: You can use different blogging platforms such as WordPress to share your research work. Because social media allows you to interact instantly with people across the globe, you may be surprised at who or how many people engage with you. Any issues or points relevant to your specific project, and any actions you will take as a result, should be described in your ethical review application form (Word). 2017. There is further information on data protection, confidentiality and definitions of special category data in the Data Protection and Confidentiality guidance web page. Learn more about our, Enago’s Global Survey on Research Laboratories & Researchers Working in There, Ramp-up Your Scientific Research With ‘The Research Lab Toolkit’. 2017. “Deep Neural Networks Are More Accurate Than Humans at Detecting Sexual Orientation from Facial Images.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (2): 246–57. Some resources might be more suitable than others depending on your research field, experience, and free time, so the second question is: which channels are the best ones for you? In today’s world social media is an ever-present facet of life that surrounds us. Zimmer, Michael, and Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda. If consent is not being sought from individuals for the collection of primary data (i.e. Social media is increasingly used as a platform for recruiting and interacting with research participants. Hutton, Luke, and Tristan Henderson. Since building a stable network on these platforms will take time and energy, you should carefully decide if and when to get started with them. Twitter posts) cannot be considered as anonymous data and cannot be pseudonymised as they can always be linked back to their author via simple web searches. 2018. Below options and their features can help you decide which one is the best for you. You already stay current on industry news and new research on your own, which is what others may be doing when they discover your research. For more information, see the interim guidance for research involving humans. The use of social data may introduce various methodological issues around bias, data quality and evaluation (Olteanu et al. “Towards Reproducibility in Online Social Network Research.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 6 (1): 156–67. You can write detailed articles or research stories to engage your audience. However, the ethical framework relating to research using social media has not been very well-developed, and there are still many questions for a would-be social media researcher to ponder. Post regular updates on your research, adding pictures, videos, and relevant hashtags where appropriate. While all social media outlets have the potential for massive reach, it all comes back to a matter of whom you connect with or engage.
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