this is a great plugin. T.Slappy thanks for the reply, you're right the added functionality and flexibility does make up for the size, and yes I was talking about service 'start' parameters. I´ve checked the file and here the results. 11th November 2009 14:40 UTC. My experiments show that any for any [account] input you need to add the ".\" prefix. Like the qc option does for SC.exe in windows I´ve released a new version of the NSIS Simple Service Plugin. Added function SimpleSC::GetServiceBinaryPath to get the binary path of a specified service. - Fixed wait for status bug if the service status changed. Thanks for this plug-in. I tried using this and got a consistent failure on creating a service. If you have any questions please let me now. Added function SimpleSC::GetServiceLogon to get the logon username of a service. could you review this version 1.22? - SimpleSC::SetServiceLogon supports now non-domain username without the ".\"-prefix Best regards but i am not able to see this in the 'services.msc'. Thank You, Version 1.23 deals with WZCSVC successfully. Rainer, mabian I detected that the compiler optimazation results in a false-positive virusscan, so I´ve removed it a I hope the problem is solved now. 18th January 2012 08:25 UTC. Hello, You can find more informations and download file on the wiki page ( I tested this script without any problems. btw, is there any infinite timeout value like "-1" or "0"? Chris, Hello Chris, Rainer, mabian Now all dependent services are stopping recursively too. C:\Program Files\NSIS64bit\Plugins\amd64-unicode unfortunately, there is no possiblity to change the binary path. but when I now try to reinstall the service again in my Section like explained above, qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service. Rainer, pcrowley Speed78 calling GetLastError with system.dll will not work, you will get the wrong result, Speed78 Can you start it if you run services.msc (Computer management)? Oh, there is another issue: Vista doesn´t support desktop interaction anymore (See: Dear all, GetServiceLogon (or something) No real need to fix it - a note in the documentation should do the trick. Rainer is the MAN! detailprint $0 10th December 2012 10:44 UTC. - GetServiceFailureFlag Thanks to everyone for reporting bugs and requesting features. 13th January 2008 12:40 UTC, Hello Stu, Not every program can be used as a service. Not all plugins have 64 bit version, and some don't even have 32 bit unicode support. 19th January 2012 06:22 UTC. (48 KB) The ZIP file containing a precompiled plugin DLL (to be saved in NSIS' plugin directory) and the sources. - Fixed wait for status bug on starting, stopping, pausing or continuing a service Plugin directories: I checked my service using some 3rd party tool and found the servicetype is SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS. I hope it works for you. The service is removed from the list upon the next reboot. But trying to find the error on oneself is the first way to go, isn't it? Now i am able to install/start/stop...of 'my service' through this. If you have any questions please let me now. If you have any questions please let me now. if you can install/start/stop the service your service should be displayed in the ServiceManager (services.msc) or I don't understand you correctly!? 13th October 2010 13:57 UTC, Rajanikanth, - ExistsService only works with admin privileges What's the best way to "interact" with the service? I tried a different scenario to check if the JAR file is causing the problem. 9th February 2008 21:07 UTC, Also RemoveService appears to be returning a value other than 0 on success rather than on failure. Anyway, when I install my service with installutil, update then the logon with: Janvi, MSG Google "turn any application to a service" or something similar and you should be able to find them. My production need to install 4 service on user's computer,so that's need too much time! - SimpleSC::RestartService supports now arguments. Thanks in advance. Stu, Speed78 - SimpleSC::InstallService supports now more service types e.g. Best regards 2nd July 2009 17:12 UTC, janvi I wanted to create installer for program of matlab which is of 64bit. I really appreciate you for coming up with "timeout parameter" as requested. Putting plugins in the build folder doesn't work. The function "SetServiceLogon" only works if the servicetype is "SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS". The changes are: No wonder it would fail. Now, if a service stops, starts aso. - SetServiceFailureFlag Within the "Function preuninstall_function" i stop the services if they are running with: If you have any questions please let me now. Rainer, elunkes Any clue?? However, I think I need to check it and I will try to change it within the next release. Note: The signature of the functions SimpleSC::InstallService and SimpleSC::StartService has been changed. I'd expect you would need to execute java with the jar as a parameter. I don't know whether this would make any difference. I don't get any message that somebody posts in this thread and I don't know why :(.


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