Organizing 3. Principles of Management have a Cause & Effect Relationship Management principles are dynamic guidelines and not static rules. It is concerned with human resources of an organization 5. Modification & improvement is a continuous phenomenon in case of principles of management. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful management tool. Management Functions and Principles - CTEP-OTS Fall 2010 Management Functions and Principles * * --Get you people together, explain the objective, tell them what resources are available, and ask them to ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view It is separate from physical factors, because it is complicated and sensitive function 6. Principles of management have four important functions and all these functions together are called as a P-O-L-C framework. By principle, there are FIVE (5) Functions of Management that made up the management process. All managers at all levels of every organization perform these functions, but the amount of time a manager spends on each one depends on both the level of management and the specific organization. they can be modified as per the requirements of the situation. A manager wears many hats. There is sufficient room for managerial discretion i.e. Planning 2. The main function of the leader is to clarify and set goals with subordinates, help them find the best path for achieving the goals, and remove obstacles. Controlling 11. Also See: Classroom Management PPT and PDF. Leading 5. The 14 principles of Management are: Division of Work Authority and Responsibility Discipline Unity of Command Unity of Direction NATURE OF STAFFING 1. Fayol’s practical list of principles guided early 20th-century managers to efficiently organize and interact with employees. Fig5: P-O-L-C framework. It is an important part of management process 3. 4 Functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling that managers perform to accomplish business goals efficiently. Staffing 4. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Management Process - A process of ensuring continuity and growth within an organization. The management process became more effective. It is continuous activity function of management 4. First; managers must set a plan, then organize resources according to the plan, lead employees to work towards the plan, and finally, control everything by monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of the plan. The functions go hand-in-hand with the Principles. It is a significant function of management 2. Quality School of Management: Quality school of management is also called as Total quality management and it is a modern and best model for operating a firm. Roles performed by managers. Principles of Management All Chapters PPT - Free ebook download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This article explains the administrative theory and management theory of the 14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol in a practical way. He also created a list of the 6 primary functions of management. These are; 1.
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