Common clothes moths and case-bearing clothes moths don't travel very far on their own in the UK, as they can't usually survive outdoors in its cool climate for long. Common clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella. The female moth lays hundreds of soft, white eggs that adhere to the fabric and hatch quickly. Clothes moth eggs and larvae are near-microscopic, propagate rapidly and even camouflage themselves in a fibre-woven casing to make themselves even harder to spot. Even households not … But it’s actually the larvae, not the moths, which cause the damage. As the autumnal weather arrives, we start dusting down the woollens and rummaging in the back of the cupboards for the blankets or extra thick fluffy socks only to discover that moths have had a good nibble! Inspect all the items that include natural fibres. The five species of clothes moth in the UK are the common clothes moth, the case-bearing clothes moth, the carpet moth, the large pale clothes moth and the brown-dotted clothes moth. Where to check for clothes moths. A plague of moths is invading Britain causing millions of pounds of damage by eating its way through clothes and carpets. Brushing clothes and dry cleaning both help, but it’s nearly impossible to eliminate infestation entirely through such methods. Look out for the brown house moth (8mm long with bronze, black-flecked wings) and the common clothes moth (6-7mm long with paler, beige wings). Moths, United Kingdom clothes moths, moths Leave a Comment. Clothes moths have a life cycle of 65 to 90 days, during which time they can lay 40 to 50 eggs. But it’s the larvae, not the moths, that are responsible for the damage. The common clothes moth, or Tineola bisselliella, has been blamed for munching its way into homes across Britain. Take one room at a time. A weak flier, it seldom leaves dark areas. Around 95% of our clients have tried DIY methods before coming to us. Adult moths are no danger to wool, cashmere, or mohair clothes, but the larvae can be detrimental as they feed and cut holes in clothes. Understanding what clothes moths eat will help you to go through your entire home and find the likely hiding places, bearing in mind there could be more than one. This will help you formulate your clothes moth eradication plan. The common clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella, has been blamed for munching its way into homes across Britain.
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