Its process can be easily checked, while it is difficult to check the process with simple random sampling. SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING Metode pengambilan sampel yang memungkinkan peluang terambilnya suatu unit sampel adalah sama besar. 2. 47 Disproportionate Stratified Sample Stratified Random Sampling Stratified random sample – A method of sampling obtained by (1) dividing the population into subgroups based on one or more variables central to our analysis and (2) then drawing a simple random sample from each of the subgroups Reduces cost of research (e.g. 2. 3. political polls) Generalize about a larger population (e.g., … simple random sampling. It is easier to apply and less likely to make mistakes than simple random sampling. The cost of sampling is less with systematic sampling than simple random sampling. View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on Middle School Students Simple Random Sampling PPT. Cara Pemilihan Sampel: Undian Kalkulator, tekan tombol : Ran #, untuk mengeluarkan angka acak Komputer, misal di Excel: fungsi = RAND( ) Tabel. 4. Minority subgroups of interest in population may not be present in sample in sufficient numbers for study. Disadvantages If sampling frame large, this method impracticable. Selection procedures Simple random sampling is always an EPS design, but not all EPS designs are simple random sampling. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Middle School Students Simple Random Sampling PPT


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