But it can also sound awful. The reason for the added weight of the Sennheiser e945 is its rugged metal construction. Um es vorweg zu nehmen. I always choose it if I have the choice (and it suits the artist). I'm almost always using Meyer PA's though, which are strong in the 12K. Telefunken M80. replies: 90 … Sound = Geschmackssache. Hey there! It has the same use (live singing) and a similar reputation for toughness. On the other hand, the Shure’s workhorse sounds muddy and congested. Agon. If you are confused in choosing between Sennheiser E945 vs Shure Beta 58A, you have come to the right place. replies: 43 views: 20013: watersedge1234 19th October 2012 : Shure Beta 58 vs Sennheiser e935. Shure Beta 87A or Beta 87C. replies: 61 views: 44863: hbphotoav 22nd July 2017 : Live vocal mic for loud male singer. Users tend to be less careful when it comes to using dynamic microphones because of its frequent use, unlike condenser microphones that demand special attention. The connection on my Beta 58 recently broke, and although it's been fixed, I'm ready to upgrade after 3 years. Sennheiser e945 Vs Shure Beta 58A. Before we get into the Sennheiser e945 vs. Shure Beta 58A, grab a snack, sit back and relax because.. You’ve come to the right place!! Below, we will see the comparisons between these two supercardioid vocal mics based on several factors. replies: 0 views: 1832: Deleted d78e603 21st December 2010 : Shure 87a for live stage performances? Here is the point. You need an account to post a reply. I'm definitely considering FMR and the Dbx 160 a was also recommended. Same as the Sennheiser e945, the Shure Beta 58A also houses a shock mount system to deal with the mechanical noise and minimize the vibrations.. Now, when you hold both the microphones, you’ll know the difference in weight instantly as the Sennheiser e945 is heavier than the Shure Beta 58A.. By now, manufacturers have to keep the versatility factor in mind while making dynamic microphones. i should also mention that i use a fmr rnla and fmr rnc in my live vocal chain. Takaro, 13.01.2018 . I don't love the beta 87 but I do love the 86 which is similar but smoother on the high end and better on the mids of a male voice. I was curious if anyone had an opinion on these two mics. While they are both quite popular, one of them offers noticeably better clarity and overall sound quality. Yes it is crazy but its the closest thing to the neuman 105.... Beyer M88 ( a ribbon mic designed for live use, Phil Collins mic of the 80's 90's.). They are sold at reasonable prices, yet they offer great sound quality and performance. Of course, it is impossible to avoid comparison with Shure’s 58 mics, most notably the Beta 58A. E865 and E965 are both considerably smoother and better sounding. I haven't tried the beta 87, but I just started singing on the e935 and like it a lot. The mic I used on the recordings is an sm57 through an Avalon vacuum pre. live sound - Sennheiser e 865 vs Shure Beta 87A. Both Sennheiser E935 and Shure Beta 87A are great vocal mics that have amassed lots of positive reviews from their users. Comparing to the mainstream models like Shure SM58, this mic has a lot more clarity and detail. Just a friendly reminder that political discussion, (including "offhand" and 'sideways' commenting) is. The price is right, as well. These mics are widely used for both live and studio uses. Anyway, good luck! The ksm9 is better than them both but costs more. Almost a ksm9 but lots cheaper. The sound of e945 is nothing short of awesome. This should be no surprise, since the 58A also has a shock-mounted capsule and an overall design made to resist rough handling. Fro what I've read in other threads and also considering that it's cheaper, seems like a good choice!. The new shure ksm 9 is a really nice mic. We just started gigging and I've been looking into a rack to compress my vocals live. Between that and the sennheiser you'll have to listen and decide. So, I borrowed an e945 and e935 and compared them pretty intensively (back and forward for a few hours a day) for about two weeks. After trying out various mics at gigs (AKG D5 & C5, Shure SM86 & Beta 87a, Audix OM5 & OM7, Sennheiser e835 & e845), I was led to explore the Sennheiser 900 series by the recommendation of a few friends. The mic would be used for vocals at nightclubs, bars, ski lodges, weddings, fairs, etc. Admit it! I wouldn't characterize the sound of it as being bright like the previous post, though. been working with my sm58 for live stuff for a while and thinking of either going with the e935 or beta 87... any thoughts? Sometimes it needs a small scoop in the lower mids depending on the voice. Sennheiser e935, e945, e865 vs. Shure Beta 58a, Super 55 Deluxe. I would also characterize my voice as dark and just posted a thread " how to get live vocals to pop" where I posted a link to some songs I wrote ad recorded in my living room. Shure Beta 58A vs Sennheiser e945: Here is the best dynamic mic Design and b uild. What I will bring you in this review. I personally dislike the beta 87 much prefer it's little known cousin the sm 86. Hey there! They both are said to have very good sound quality. Create a username and password below and an account will be created and your post entered. The best answer is to get somewhere where you can try different mics. I was curious if anyone had an opinion on these two mics. Are you sure you registerd on the site correctly? They … Click here to login, The ability to reply to and create new discussions, Access to members-only giveaways & competitions, Interact with VIP industry experts in our guest Q&As, Access to members-only sub forum discussions, Get INSTANT ACCESS to the world's best private pro audio, Promote your eBay auctions and Reverb.com listings for free. I think I'm gonna go with the e935. I'm a fan of the e865! Und möchte euch nun meine persönlichen Eindrücke diesbezüglich mitteilen. Just a friendly reminder that political discussion, (including "offhand" and 'sideways' commenting) is. The sound to me is full and even and the flat front of the grill feels really good for singing right on it. The connection on my Beta 58 recently broke, and although it's been fixed, I'm ready to upgrade after 3 years. The Beta 87 is a nice vocal mic with the RIGHT eq! live sound - Sennheiser e 865 vs Shure Beta 87A, http://srforums.prosoundweb.com/index.php/f/5/0/, Already have an account? Similarities & Differences; Final Word When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. StevieD009. Moreover, Sennheiser e945 has less coloration and … It's worked out great for me and I sold my KSM9. I'm a fan though, it doesn't have the tizziness that the Beta87 has, and I don't like much. Both Sennheiser E935 and Shure SM58 are high-quality dynamic mics that are very popular on the market. It's been my experience that whatever you gain by using these brighter mics in a live situation, you sometimes forfeit in siblance and feedback issues. When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.


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