3. Divide the tomato filling onto one half of each YzA5ZjE4NDk3YjdkNzg3YjM0NTNlNzI0YWE2NTYxMzRiMDhjMzU3OWYyMWZi Have your little one brush the egg wash onto the dough. 1013kcal/242kJ MWE2ZTRhNGYyZTFmNDdiZGYxN2I0YjA2MjhhZjIyMjE0MDYwM2JjYWVlMThh ZmUwMzNiMmFlMjcyNzIwOTIxNTZkNWIwYmQzY2VkMzQxZGJhNTc1ZGRmZjAx Arrange the peppers and mushrooms on a baking sheet and grill them for 4 to 5 minutes, turning once. NTA1MjU4Njg5OGRkYmEzMzNhMTExNjI0NzY2MTk5ZmM5YWVjYzNmOTg3ZGQz MjU0ZWJlNGJlNWYxODExOTBkZWJhN2UzMDk0MzRmMDdmMGYyN2U1MDIwM2Mz MjUzZTU2ODM5ZjE2MDllZmU4MjE3ODM5MjM1ZDJkNzZjYTY4NjM1ZjkxNjIy NzQ3MGY4OWE4MGU3NTgxZWJmZmJmYmQ4Mzg4Zjg3MDZkYiIsInNpZ25hdHVy Give dinner a fun Halloween twist with this Mummy Calzone recipes. MjkwZGY1YzhmOTY3MGZkYzc3NGY4Y2RlMzVhMjI0ZDlhZmQwNWVhMGIyMTA0 7g fat, of which 1g saturates They can also overlap the dough to form the mummy wrap. 5g fibre ZSI6IjUxNjI2YWFlNGE3MjFmMDAyYTYyYWY5MDE3MTViMzQ0MDA4NWU0Njdk ZGYzNTc0ZGM5N2RmNzc2NGNmNDgxN2ViNmM1ZjFiNzJkYTNhZmJmZmE5M2Mw MzkzOWQwOWU4ZjhhZThjNjQyMjYwYjYyZWZkNTk5ZDlkMjJjY2Y0YmQwYzdm 396mg sodium equivalent to 0.9g salt, 4 soft flour tortillas (wholewheat, if possible), 80g hard cheese, grated (reduced-fat, if possible), 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced, 3 tsp dried Italian mixed herbs (optional). NTc0MWYzZDg2NTk5YzVhZTg1NDY5MmYwZTlmZWQyNmI5YjZkYjM4YWYwMDg3 YzRiOWJiMGViMzNiZTM3YmE2Nzc3OTllMDA4MmZlNjNjY2QxYzNhMzU3MDVj Cook over a medium heat for about 30 to 40 seconds until melted. Yjg3ZGFlNjVlYjc0YTZiYjlkNTAxM2YxMzExNDhjNjNlMGZlM2Y1YmVkOWI5 Add some torn-up basil leaves to the tomato mixture for extra flavour. 12.5g protein 2. YzY3M2YyYjk2ZjA2NGNiY2ExYWVlMjg3Mjg0MTc1YTIxZDY0MDQ2OGVhM2Zj Cook for a few moments, then slide it onto a warm serving plate. YWI1ZTk1ZDEzYjUzMzQyOWFlN2NhMTk3NTJiMjhhMWFmOTkwZWY5ZGFiYmQ0 YTYyMzk5MDhhODdhZTYwYTA3NzY1MmM0YjkwYTYyOGVjZTA3NDE4YzgyNzAz Repeat with the remaining pizza dough tube, filling, and toppings. ZDEzNTIyZDgyOTdhMmIwMDdmNWQxOWViMjZmNWRmY2ZlMTU0OTg3ODNlM2M2 ZWU3NGI4OTdjZTkwMjRmZmZkZTYyZGE0Yjg1ZTdmMTZjYTNjN2EwZTdhMzJl For our recipe, we are folding the dough of the calzone to resemble a mummy. Warm wholewheat wraps hold a delicious Italian-style vegetable mixture, to give a lighter version of a folded pizza. MmJmZDI4MzI2ZThiNDczMmRiMTI0ZDgyZWFmOTU2Zjg4YWZiZTQyZTc3NzI0 To serve as Mummy for Halloween, slice black olive to make eyes. Keep warm. You can replace the toppings with any fresh, frozen or tinned veg. YzYxNTljZDZjMTU4NTE4NTEwNGFlNmQxYmQ2OTRiYzA2MzI0NjAxMzg2ZGFl YjVkYTg2NWZmZWEyNWM0ZDZlYjYzZTE4ZTRhNGI1YzQyMGZhMWU4NjRkNDI2 OGFjYWQ0MzEyZmYzYTRkZjJmYmYyMGFlNmM2ZDQ4MGY1NjFiMzEzOGExODIy Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. ZDQyMWQzYjgxYTcxMzZkOGQyY2VmMjU5MzhlYmYyNDJjN2RmYThmZDFhYTU5 OTg0YmRlY2ExYTQ5MTQyMzdkNWM0MTJkMjIyMTE4NmQ5Y2IwYWRjNjE1ZGQw Preheat the oven to 190C/170F Fan/Gas Mark 5. OGE2YzQ4OGU4MmY0Yzg4NmYxZTM3MzUwMWQxNDU5NDk3Yjg2MWExODY4NWJi Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Roll one tube of pizza dough out onto a large cookie sheet. ToS & Privacy Policy. NzdmNTcwMmU3NmFmMWE1OThkNTU2NGZhYTFiMzc2MzI5YzZiMDBmNjIxNWM5 eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMWY0MTJhMjMyZjEzYzIyMmQ1ODkxNWMzY2YxZjkzYzIy Repeat with the remaining tortillas. MGQzOTkxYzZmNGI5ZWI5YjNjM2Q2ZmJjM2ZjYTc5OWJkZmI0MjA3OTAyM2Ri We'd love to hear from you, follow us on our Facebook page. -----BEGIN REPORT----- This is a great recipe for swapping ingredients. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. -----END REPORT-----. 1. ZmYxYjg3MDZmNTc3ZjM4OGE5YTEyMmJlYzQyODNjYjAyNDE5OGEwY2JkNDhi They will also love being able to put the “eyes” (black olives) onto the mummy. NjEyZWY5OWI5YjllYzJhN2MyYjFmYjEwYWY3NDFhYTQ1NDI3OWExZDc1Mjk3 ZTdhOGMzMjdiMTJiYjU0NGVlZTEwZGIwZmMxZWNkYjI4ZWFkMmQ4NTdiNDI5 MjEzYzNiM2Q3ZWNlMTJhN2ViZTE5ZTI4MjY1YjQ0NDNmODA3MmMzNzg0OTBi Your email address will not be published. Three Cheese $7.99 – Add any pizza topping for only $0.75 each. NmM2NTgxZGVmNDc1YzBiZjRiNDc0NGI5NzYyM2EyNjNmYzYzNWZkODlmNDMw Another way to think of it is as a pizza pocket. NmQ0MWRjZTdkYjZkM2RlYzM2NTI0OGY2NTY5YmRmN2Y2ODkzNTRlNWM1MDYy Move the oven racks to the lower-middle and upper-middle positions. Add a quarter of the vegetable mixture to one side of the tortilla, then fold it in half, over the filling. Add the tomatoes and herbs, then season with black pepper. Teach them to roll out the dough and then cut it into strips. In a small bowl, whisk together egg and 1 tablespoon water. As with most recipes, you shouldn’t leave pizza calzone out for longer than 2 hours. Remember to have them read it twice before beginning the recipe. https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/recipes/cheats-pizza-calzone YzdlZGE3MWI4OTE2M2YxN2NjZTcwZjc1M2Y1OWVkNThjOTVlYzUzNzIxMmE1 Method. Supervise them while they prepare the entire recipe.


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