The History of Corn . This knowledge was passed on to colonists by native Americans, who had also learned to cross-pollinate corn and create new kinds. Maize is the domesticated variant of teosinte. It developed a tolerance for synthetic chemicals (pesticides). In turn, corn adapted to industrial consumer capitalism (the supermarket and fast food); this was its biggest evolutionary achievement: Here's what you'll find in our full Omnivore's Dilemma summary: Allen Cheng is the founder of Shortform. It can only survive if planted and They brought their preferred species, particularly wheat, but found that some of them had difficulty adapting to the new environment, where, in contrast, corn flourished. Learn the history of corn in this concise summary. This surplus of farming and combination of access to sewing machines led to corn eventually being used with the rough material of clothing, back in the day, to create bags for the game already being played. Female organs are flowers arranged along a cob (800 flowers on a cob, each with potential to produce a kernel, if they can connect with pollen from above). What’s Wrong with It? It can only survive if planted and protected by humans. Food and Politics: Don’t Trust U.S. Dietary Guidelines, Wheat Germ Agglutinin: The Evil Relative of Gluten, Holistic Diet: 7 Principles of Clean Eating for Whole Health, Lectins and Inflammation: Why Lectins Wreak Havoc, 19 Delicious Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol, 7 Foods That Research Shows are Good For Eyes. The two plants have dissimilar appearance, maize having a single tall stalk with multiple leaves and teosinte being a short, bushy plant. & Smokestacks National Heritage Area, Interactive It is a human invention, a plant that does not exist naturally in the wild. Thus, the industrial food chain begins with a farm in the corn belt: The supermarket has managed to convince us that 45,000 items represent variety, despite how many come from the same plant — corn. An interesting kernel of truth is that most scientists and historians believe the people who lived in central Mexico were the first to develop corn about 5000 to 7000 years ago. Both "grain" and "corn" come from the same very … Photo used by permission, State Historical Society of Sometimes it’s the little things that count. Maize (/ m eɪ z / MAYZ; Zea mays subsp. It was started from a wild grass called teosinte. But up to When Columbus "discovered" America, he also discovered corn. Even non-foods use corn-derived substances. It could be fed to animals as grain or silage, used for fuel and fiber, and even distilled into whiskey. that cultivated and developed it. One day the Turkey told him that the people were tired of supporting him, as he gambled until he lost everything that they gave him. John Harvey Kellogg introduced corn flakes as part of his trial to curb sexual impulses and drives in young adults. What happens when you try to forage for your own food. In fact, of the 45,000 items in the supermarket, a quarter contain corn. Because it was storable, it could be traded or sold. It adapted to machines by growing straighter and closer together. were not on the menu, Indian corn certainly would have been. Before Shortform, he co-founded PrepScholar, an online education company. In Mexico Allen graduated from Harvard University summa cum laude and attended medical training at the MD/PhD program at Harvard and MIT. There are many subspecies of corn, the most familiar of which are dent (the mostly commonly cultivated, also called ‘field corn’), flint corn (Indian corn with colored kernels), popcorn, and sweet corn.


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