Res. Intravital imaging of nanoparticles in the microcirculation demonstrated that the fluorescence intensity of the nanoparticles was a major determinant of both temporal and spatial resolution of the flow field. The physical understanding of the optical properties of dental biomaterials is mandatory for their final success in restorative applications.Light propagation in biological media is characterized by the absorption coefficient, the scattering coefficient, the scattering phase function,the refractive index, and the surface conditions (roughness). 0000059550 00000 n
A biomaterial is now defined as a substance that has been engineered to take a form which, alone or as part of a complex system, is used to direct, by control of interactions with components of living systems, the course of any therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. 0000006121 00000 n
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The bioavailability of the particles in the blood circulation required nanoscale size and low surface charge density. HJ�d��4��T�X:=��.���I��a�P��WBSo4�5tt@h�(�Q�b� 2�� �۹\ -�*`e��[�V0V1�3p�Ŝn2. 0000082032 00000 n
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The study of biomaterials is called biomaterials science or biomaterials engineering. Effective transvascular delivery of nanoparticles across the blood-brain tumor barrier into malignant glioma cells. This has led to the determination of the absorption and the scattering coefficients. Tissue-Specific Vascular Endothelial Signals and Vector Targeting, Part B. 0000003531 00000 n
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Abstract. Biomaterials: The material that are biocompatibility with the living tissues of our body or to adjust with the tissue of biology. 0000001729 00000 n
To address the limitations of existing intravascular tracers, we have developed fluorescent nanoparticles capable of providing detailed information regarding the intravascular flow field. Intravascular tracers in the blood circulation can provide a description of the flow field over time and space. h�b```e``� "Ӯ31 �P�����㠃@�.��)�� Keywords: bone tissue; biomaterials; integrator sphere; complex structure 1.
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Spatial calibration of structured illumination fluorescence microscopy using capillary tissue phantoms. 0000126115 00000 n
The physical understanding of the optical properties of dental biomaterials is mandatory for their final success in restorative applications.Light propagation in biological media is characterized by the absorption coefficient, the scattering coefficient, the scattering phase function,the refractive index, and the surface conditions (roughness). 65 0 obj
Spectral variations of the refraction index and the scattering anisotropy factor werealso considered. 0000010229 00000 n
Learn about our remote access options, Laboratory of Immunophysiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, Molecular Probes (Invitrogen), Eugene, Oregon, Department of Physiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. 34 0 obj
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Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 3.25 Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Biological Imaging. 0000106549 00000 n
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The whole experimental procedure fulfilled all the necessary requirements to provide optical-property values with lowerassociated uncertainties. 0000002857 00000 n
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Effect of intraluminal pillars on particle motion in bifurcated microchannels. Learn more. 0000003576 00000 n
citation, JEOS:RP - Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid publications,, Update/Correction/Removal A. Fernandez-Oliveras, M. Rubiño and M. M. Pérez, Get 0000010924 00000 n
An Integrated Approach for the Rational Design of Nanovectors for Biomedical Imaging and Therapy. PDF (4 MB), Full Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. We have employed the inverse adding-doubling (IAD) method to combine transmittanceand reflectance measurements performed using an integrating-sphere setup with the results of the previous scattering-anisotropygoniometric measurements. The nanoparticles were designed to maximize plasma half‐life as well as minimize interactions with other blood components. A biomaterial is a substance that has been engineered to interact with biological systems for a medical purpose—either a therapeutic (treat, augment, repair or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic one.
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