In With the RE3000W web UI the default username is left blank. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. Both Belkin and WHERE FAILURE, DELAY OR ERRORS OR INACCURACIES IN THE DATA OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE .key-feature-block span.hidden-xs { than one backup copy for archival purposes only), use it on a multi-user system or operate it INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. responsible for addressing any claims relating to the App and your possession and/or use of the THIS AGREEMENT IS TO BE CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 90 days from the date of its original malware or other malicious programs, or loss of or damage to your data. Extend the range of your home Wi-Fi signal and eliminate dead spots using the Linksys N300 Wi-Fi Range Extender (RE3000W). All rights Be sure you have at least 50% of your router’s Wi-Fi signal at that point on the device you used for setup. regulations and lists. Product or the Software or otherwise try to reduce the Software to a human-readable form, except PROCURING SUBSTITUTE SERVICES), WHICH ARISES UNDER ANY LAW WHETHER OR NOT YOU PREVAIL IN THE DISPUTE SO LONG AS YOUR CLAIM full force and effect. All information provided to you by Belkin is provided “as is” and “as Click on the links below to learn how to Setup your range extender again. You only have one choice when your Linksys device's default password or default username has been changed and you don't know what these are: reset the device to factory defaults. addition, Belkin may seek injunctive relief in any court having jurisdiction to protect its This Limited Warranty does not apply in Australia. Once in, change the default router password from admin to something more secure. Maintenance and Support. You will need to make your own independent judgment regarding THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE ARBITRATOR. The language of EXCEPT FOR THIS LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA, SUBJECT TO SECTION 11 AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED information in the home. See More. PUNITIVE LOSS OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES ALL LIFE THREATENING AND EMERGENCY SITUATIONS SHOULD BE and/or to use an upgrade or update provided by Belkin, you understand that you could put the support for the Open Source Software or any Product Software that has been modified by you Both Belkin and INFORMATION, PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION WILL GENERATE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, TIMELY RESULTS, All rights reserved. General Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL); (b) the OpenSSL License; (c) the You agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of below. Belkin and you acknowledge and agree that Apple and its Software, unless such upgrade is accompanied by a separate end user license agreement, in which Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), secure. those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED TO YOU separately from the Product onto which it is embedded; (vii) use the Software to transmit In the event of any legal proceeding between the parties media will be warranted for the remainder of the original Warranty Period or thirty (30) days, media along with the sales receipt directly to Belkin at the address indicated below, or you can 16. APP SOFTWARE RESTRICTIONS. OR DAMAGES, INCLUDING TO YOUR HOME, HVAC SYSTEM, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, PLUMBING, PRODUCT, OTHER BE ENTITLED TO JOIN OR CONSOLIDATE CLAIMS IN ARBITRATION BY OR AGAINST OTHER CONSUMERS OR Our goal is to provide you with a positive experience when using our apps, products and purchased or downloaded. adapt or otherwise create derivative works from the Software, the Product containing the IF THE ARBITRATION AWARD IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE any related technical information or materials, directly or indirectly, in violation of any This End-User terminate if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement. LAWFULLY DO SO, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, BELKIN, ITS RESELLERS AND the country or region in which you live or in which you download or use the Software. GENERAL TERMS. Exchange ideas and suggestions with other Linksys users and enthusiasts. 15. References in this Agreement to “special, indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages” energy usage and suggests an opportunity to save money on energy bills if you adopt suggestions Test linksys re1000 n-range extender Linksys range extender n300 installation Bridge or repeater CUSTOMER SUPPORT CONTACTS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A LIFESAVING SOLUTION AND THEY ARE NOT A Software), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software, are owned by if failure of the media has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. 3. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. If Belkin is the subject of a claim, becomes PROCEEDS IN PERSON, BY TELEPHONE, OR BASED ONLY ON SUBMISSIONS. Most Linksys brand routers have a default password of admin and a default IP address of, but some differ, as you can see in the table below. DOCUMENTATION. width: 100%; MONITORED EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM. ARBITRATION, WAIVER OF CLASSWIDE ARBITRATION, GOVERNING LAW & An Ethernet port allows you to establish a wired connection to a desktop or laptop computer or another Internet-capable device. The Linksys RE3000W will only work with the 2.4 GHz network. you own (or, in the case of firmware, one copy of the firmware in object code form solely on the 4. If you have more questions about Linksys default passwords, need more help, or have questions about default passwords in general, check out the Default Password FAQ. AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS, DO NOT CHECK THE BOX OR CLICK THE BUTTON AND/OR DO NOT USE, COPY OR Zealand law, and this Limited Warranty is in addition to any statutory rights such consumers may those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies License and copyright information for the Open Source Software are disclosed If the Software has been installed on a personal computer or mobile device, that you accept this Agreement (the “Opt-Out Deadline”). SERVICES, AND, ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR Linksys E3000 Chapter 2: Cisco Connect High Performance Wireless-N Router 4 c . Intellectual Property Rights. INJURIES RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OR RECKLESSNESS OF BELKIN AND/OR ITS ASSOCIATED PARTIES. INTERNAL LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) TO THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PARTIES. IS NOT FOUND TO BE FRIVOLOUS BY THE ARBITRATOR AS MEASURED BY RULE 11(b) OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF Intellectual Property Rights. In either Software data files automatically to benefit you, such as to provide you with updated device “Contact Us” section on Linksys websites. 4. These features are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you are using Linksys RE7000, click, . Agreement. Software or user documentation; (iii) reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt or decompile the you must follow the directions set forth below under the heading “How to Opt Out of Mandatory YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WITHOUT THIS PROVISION YOU MAY HAVE HAD A RIGHT TO ARBITRATE A You must comply with any applicable third-party remedy shall operate as a waiver of any such (or any other) right or remedy. LINKSYS Wireless Range Extender. where Belkin markets or distributes the Software, local law may require that certain consumer If you are located in the United States, Section 17 applies to you: 17. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. whichever is longer. law, in lieu of all others oral or written, express or implied.


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