The great imâm ‘Abdullâh ibn al-Mubârak stated a most profound truth when he said: His riders were stopped by Khalid ibn Walid's army at the town of Battah. It is thus of no benefit to quote them as separate references, since all they do is quote at-Tabarî. Finally, she met and married Malik ibn Nuwayra. [65] Based on the 9th-century histories of al-Baladhuri and Khalifa ibn Khayyat, Khalid's first major battle in Iraq was his victory over the Sasanian garrison at Ubulla (the ancient Apologos, near modern Basra) and the nearby village of Khurayba, though al-Tabari (d. 923) holds this was erroneously attributed to Khalid and that Ubulla was conquered later by Utba ibn Ghazwan al-Mazini. [177] As a result, his family's properties, including his residence and several other houses in Medina, were inherited by Ayyub ibn Salama, a great-grandson of Khalid's brother al-Walid ibn al-Walid, and remained in the possession of Ayyub's descendants until at least the late 9th century. So it is firmly established that Malik bin Nuwayrah didn't pay zakat to the caliph. [8][9] According to the historian Donald Routledge Hill, rather than launching a frontal assault against the Muslim lines on the slopes of Mount Uhud, "Khalid adopted the sound tactics" of going around the mountain and bypassing the Muslim flank. [161] Umar consequently ordered that Abu Ubayda publicly interrogate and relieve Khalid from his post regardless of the interrogation's outcome, as well as to put Qinnasrin under Abu Ubayda's direct administration. Shî‘î authors have the habit of supplying incidents like this with multiple references. Thereupon Mâlik told his wife, “You have killed me,” meaning that she will be the cause of his death. 2, Page no: 501-502. annihilation. Because of her beauty, she was pursued by many men, but rejected their advances. He decided that they must be put to death. After his victory against some of the apostate tribes, Khâlid set out for Banû Sulaym, another of the apostate tribes. Dr. B.A.Ma‘rûf, Mu’assasat ar-Risâlah, Beirut, 1413/1992) In this campaign, Khaled took the Malik was guilty for his acts against the state of Medina. [156] Khalid made Qinnasrin his headquarters, settling there with his wife. Khalid understood this to be a transparent attempt by Malik to save his own life by any means at his disposal. [7], With the Yamama pacified, Khalid marched northward toward Sasanian territory in Iraq (lower Mesopotamia). Khalid somehow Caetani casted doubt about the aforementioned traditions, while the orientalist Henri Lammens substituted Abu Ubayda with Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan. [1] Al-Zubayr ibn Bakkaar said that Abu Bakr ordered Khaalid to divorce the wife of Maalik, and ‘Umar rebuked Khaalid sternly about the case of Maalik, but Abu Bakr pardoned him. He came with Khalid from Medina. It is extremely unfortunate that the vicious and unscrupulous propaganda of the Shî‘î missionaries has succeeded in turning the sentiments of many a Muslim against this great son of Islâm and the pride of its military commanders. 20. In the, Khalid Târîkh at-Tabarî vol. [125] Jandora asserts that the Byzantines' Christian Arab and Armenian auxiliaries deserted or defected, but that the Byzantine force remained "formidable", consisting of a vanguard of heavy cavalry and a rear guard of infantrymen when they approached the Muslim defensive lines. [82] Patricia Crone argues it is unlikely Khalid played any role on the Iraqi front, citing seeming contradictions by contemporary, non-Arabic sources,[83] namely the Armenian chronicle of Sebeos (c. 661) and the Khuzistan Chronicle (c. [5] Due to the controversy of marrying Malik's wife on the same night, who was not allowed a waiting or mourning period, Khalid has to explain himself in the court of Medina. All his services rendered to Islâm, and even the title of “Sayfullâh” given to him by Rasûlullâh r are simply ignored, and on the basis of nothing but a fable. And all of them have been promised good by Allâh. An obnoxious tail was soon introduced into the story in the form of Mâlik’s wife, who is named as Umm Tamîm bint Minhâl. Khalid ibn Walid R.A (592-642) also known as Sword of Allah (Saifullah). Prince hostage and threatened to kill him until the door of the castle was ",, "The underlined words indicate that Umar was referring to the same incident that had caused such controversy, namely the incident of Malik bin Nuwayrah, who believed in Zakat, yet failed to submit to Abu Bakr & Co.", " The Nawasib, sought to justify the brutal anti Islamic acts committed by Khalid ibn al Walid against Mailk and his companions on the premise that their failure to pay Zakat to the Caliph rendered them Murtad, that carried capital punishment. It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allāh be … holy relic, that would help him winning the battles. 2 p. 273 (Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut 1408/1988) A horseman of the Quraysh tribe's aristocratic Makhzum clan, which ardently opposed Muhammad, Khalid played the instrumental role defeating the Muslims at the Battle of Uhud in 625. estate. (2) Khâlid’s alleged marriage to Mâlik’s wife. [7] Among these villages were Musaylima's hometown al-Haddar and Mar'at, whose inhabitants were expelled or enslaved and resettled with tribesmen from clans of the Tamim. In Medina, ‘Umar told Khâlid: “You enemy of Allâh! However, all that is ever produced is fragments of statements by historians. [3] He himself apparently moved away across the desert with his family. [176] Their son Abd al-Rahman became a reputable commander in the Arab–Byzantine wars and a close aide of Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, the governor of Syria and later founder and first caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate, serving as the latter's deputy governor of the Homs–Qinnasrin–Jazira district. You killed a Muslim man and thereafter took his wife. That leader was none other than the Sword of Allâh, Sayyidunâ Khâlid ibn al-Walîd t . 2, Page no: 501-502. A study of the texts wherein reference is made to the story of the Mâlik ibn Nuwayrah reveals that not a single one of them is reported with an uninterrupted chain of narration that consists of reliable authorities. Malik was a chief of some distinction; a warrior, noted for his generosity; and a famous poet. of them apparently harboured no ill-will towards each other. [89] Khalid left Ayn al-Tamr for Dumat al-Jandal where the combined Muslim forces bested the defenders in a pitched battle. It is alleged that during the khilâfah of Sayyidunâ Abû Bakr t , Khâlid ibn al-Walîd, the Sahâbî military commander, killed Mâlik ibn Nuwayrah, and married his widow on the very eve of his murder, without even waiting for her ‘iddah to expire. [169] The historians Carole Hillenbrand calls Khalid "the most famous of all Arab Muslim generals",[173] and R. Stephen Humphreys describes him as "perhaps the most famous and brilliant Arab general of the Riddah [sic] wars and the early [Muslim] conquests".
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