Where consideration is given to the vital skills of people and organizational leadership, the Christian world so often seems to call upon secular, worldly models, passing over the one role model who should be in focus – Jesus Christ. At the core of these matters of character is integrity. He was inspired by a different path to purchasing freedom for his people. Servant leadership is more about being than about doing. But I also beg God to show mercy to his people quickly and to torture you until you are forced to acknowledge that he alone is God. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:7-8). They wanted to turn people into an army that followed their commands. So, Jesus was certainly a leader from whom lessons can be learned and applied in today's world. It is the focus on the growth of the individual, that they might flourish and achieve their full potential and not primarily the growth and potential of the organization, that distinguishes servant leadership from other leadership styles. Jesus' Definition of Leadership Is Backwards: Like other Jewish Martyrs, Jesus’ kingdom doesn’t use political power to change the world, I Wish You Were Cold or Hot, not Lukewarm, “You may kill us, but the King of the universe will raise us from the dead and give us eternal life, because we have obeyed his laws.”— 2 Maccabees 7:9, “I now give up my body and my life for the laws of our ancestors, just as my brothers did. God is love (1 John 4:8) and “the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5). The Servant Leader’s Garden: Grass Doesn’t Grow Faster If You Pull It, The Servant Leader’s Garden: Without Change There’s No Growth, The Servant Leader’s Garden: Artificial Flowers may be Beautiful but…. The tragedy of his undeserved death was mourned by Jews and Gentiles alike. They wanted to turn people into an army that followed their commands. It's about embodying God's values no matter what, loving and serving people at any cost to yourself. Jesus functioned as a preacher, theologian and teacher. This message of Jesus transcends the barriers of culture, time, and history. It is the same purpose that Jesus’ own suffering accomplished. INITIATE SERVANT LEADERSHIP to others (John 13:4–5). “I heard a well-known pastor describe the church as the most leadership-intensive organization in the world,” Stephen Grunlan, senior pastor at Grace Fellowship in Overland Park, Kansas, wrote in Ministry Magazine. He wanted power and a crown. Christ-centred servant leadership is not a theological construct; it is about the reality of day to day leadership carried out in the character of Christ. The issue of power and integrity for Christian leaders is not trivial and Colin Buckland offers some insights born of years both as a pastor and coming alongside Christian leaders in church, mission and other organisations. Great leaders are great servants. He declared, “I am the good shepherd. Many passages in Scripture speak to this principle, as the following examples illustrate: How can Christian leaders approach correcting others in the right way? “Leadership is the act of influencing/serving others out of Christ’s interests in their lives so they accomplish God’s purposes for and through them,” according to Bill Lawrence, president of Leader Formation International, at Bible.org. But what does a person need to be ready to labor in ministry for Jesus? Jesus’ definition of leadership is not what the political revolutionaries of his day wanted. Will we see it soon? January 2019 8 Principles, constantly slipped away to spend time with God. The political opponents of Onias in the 2nd Century BCE first had him deposed from his position of high priest and ultimately killed after he publicly accused a subsequent high priest of robbing the Temple to pay for political favor. “Church leaders do not have the authority of military leaders or the financial incentives of the corporate world; they only have leadership skills on which to rely.”, Those leadership skills will define whether church leaders — or all Christian leaders, because they have the same values and focus — are successful. Kingdom enterprises are those that have Christian objectives and which are led and staffed by Christians. Even while facing death threats, Onias did not stop standing up for what was right. Correcting others in the right way is important for all Christians. The articles on Christian-leadership .org are a rich resource concerning the issues faced by Christian leaders who seek to live out the servant model in their role. They ironically used the same strategies of the system that oppressed them to fight for change. Dr. Penley studied Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic in undergraduate and graduate programs at Columbia International University. Jesus didn’t wait for someone to clarify protocol. On the economic front we still see the repercussions of the poor, arguably self-centered leadership that caused the credit crunch, the banking crisis and the global recession. … And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Commit your works to the LORD, ….Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!”. He also created one of the world's most sustained organizations (the church). However, the concept of a servant leader is not such a modern concept, but can be found in the biblical account of the life of Jesus Christ. Great leaders are great storytellers. As such it is immensely practical but we need to work out how to apply it in our daily lives as leaders. Ideally the feedback will be an ongoing process, resulting in the servant leader serving more effectively according to the actual needs of the people. In the first century, Jews continued to expound on the idea of this redemptive suffering where a few righteous people could die for the benefit of many. One of the basic teaching and leadership styles of Christ is that of setting examples for others to follow. “What do you seek?” And they said to Him, “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?” He said to them. June 2015 There are three dimensions in which Christian servant leaders must grow: As a voluntary servant of God; As a servant of others, and; As a leader. The “follow me” phase of Christ is an essential foundational teaching of Jesus’ ministry and leadership style. Some believe that those who follow Christ should not take part in politics—voting. Jesus’ Definition of Leadership Is Backwards: Like other Jewish Martyrs, Explainer: What You Need to Know About the COVID Vaccine and Fetal Tissue, Biden Indicates He Is For In-Person Worship, If Done ‘Safely’, Study Shows How ‘COVID-19 World’ Impacts Bible Engagement…and It’s Not Good, Why This Denomination May Soon ‘be on life support’, Christian Recording Artist Calls Out Non-Mask Wearers After Aunt Dies From COVID-19, Why We Must Emphasize a Pastor’s Character Over His Skill, 3 Powerful Keys to Grow in Personal Worship, What I’ve Observed When Institutions Try to Apologize and How They Can Do Better, 7 Things They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary About Funerals, When We Give Too Much Attention to Satan and Not Enough to Personal Sin, If You’re Feeling Overlooked and Unappreciated…, 5 Powerful Prayers That Will Super-Charge Your Prayer Life, “You may kill us, but the King of the universe will raise us from the dead and give us eternal life, because we have obeyed his laws.”— 2 Maccabees 7:9, “I now give up my body and my life for the laws of our ancestors, just as my brothers did.
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