If it is a historian it is likely that the audience is the general public or an academic circle. Can you place the primary source within its appropriate place in the historical narrative timeline? Every source provides a window into the ideas, emotions, and thought processes of past human beings. demonstrated all the necessary, I have taught my students a simple, six-letter acronym to remember the six main source, It is from the perspective of an Australian soldier, who had just experienced the Gallipoli landing on the 25th April, (Comprehension), What is the implicit meaning of the source? For school use, written sources are usually cut down in length, sometimes to little more than a couple of lines, the language is often simplified, and each source is given a label: Source A, Source B and so on. Let me prove it to you – check out these previous HSC questions below and their corresponding syllabus dot points! They include written documents, photographs, cartoons, posters, maps, … Who is portrayed in the source? by German Nazi Ernst Hiemer The framework we suggest uses the acronym COMA, for Content, Origin, Motive and Analysis: Content. Take a close look and see what you can identify and pick up from the source, without thinking too much at first. If the source is a diary entry it is highly likely that the intended audience was either solely to the author or their family. And collates all the main areas that examiners are expecting to be covered in the answer. (Appendix 2). O - Origin. To help you out, we’re going to give you an example of how to analyse a source using OMCAPUR. Source questions are often the aspect of A-Level History that students find most difficult, but can also be one of the most exciting aspects of the course. Source Analysis; Age Group. The second 50% should be spent on usefulness. Now she’s a member of the Art of Smart team while perusing her studies at the University of Sydney, studying a Bachelor of Psychology. HIPP Analysis Primary documents enable historians to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period. Take a close look and see what you can identify and pick up from the source, without thinking too much at first. Answer Save. I would love to know how it goes. The analysis of primary source images helps scaffold and differentiate learning and aligns closely to the Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). Skip to main content Reset Show/Hide. Here’s your HSC Modern History Source Analysis PDF Download! M - Motive. Examples: - Religious or moral opinions - Political speeches - Is it a divisive topic? How are they dressed? As is clearly seen in these two sources, both written by King himself, he saw Project C as a vital step in gaining Here is an analysis of a source, colour-coded according to each of the six elements of the acronym. it is by far the worst big city in race relations in the United States”, King wrote while in jail in Birmingham following his arrest for taking part in the Primary documents preserve the memory of past events. (King, 1962, 1). IOP CAM can also be used when writing body paragraphs for essays. running like hell for safety”, Source A is a very reliable source regarding the experience of Australian troops at Gallipoli because, an Australian soldier who was personally involved in the event itself, This source was written a few days after the Gallipoli landing on the 25th of April 1915, intended to be a recount of his experiences. The motive behind Source D is to aid in the recruitment of Australian soldiers to help the war effort. Once students understand the relationship between the analysis skills and the evaluation skills, they can then write a full analysis and evaluation of a historical source. MIsterJuarezA. This process will help you examine the different dimensions of a text, which can then be used to employ the text as evidence in discussion or writing. When done correctly, these questions can be easy points as long as you accurately answer the question. P - Perspective. The source would be highly biased, as it was not created based solely on neutral facts. What opinions or belief statements are evident in the article? What else can you … Since the chapel was meant to be used for public ceremonies Current Section Navigation. confusion due to a lack of communication from their officers. The final thing you’ll want to do is assess the source for its uses and limitations. undertaking the source investigation research task, where they need to critically engage with a source in a limited If someone could tell me the word each letter stands for and what it means, that would be amazing. (7 marks), Study Sources B, D and G. To what extent do these sources provide evidence of the methods of control used by the Nazi regime? Agenda. How does this source corroborate the information from another source? Who was the intended audience of the source? Source Analysis for Humanities Essay By Mary Moore. When done correctly, these questions can be easy points as long as you accurately answer the question. The position of the text between these two features symbolises the connection between Australia and Britain, heightening the obligation the audience feels to Britain when observing the source. The background features troops in active battle, symbolising the war effort. The term PEST has been used widely in marketing and business circles over the last 20 years and as a result its true history is difficult to establish. So 1-2 sentences for origin, 1-2 sentences about motive, and so on. by the literate priestly class, code a sample paragraph so they can see how each element links to the acronym. All sources have uses and, apart from facts, can tell us about the perspectives of a person or group of people. Use the information you are given in the source, recognize and detect in the source. To find out more and get started with an inspirational HSC Modern History tutor and mentor, Step 1: Figure out what the question is asking, Step 3: Determine the origin of the source, Step 4: Determine the motive behind the source, Step 5: Consider what content is presented in the source, Step 6: Consider the intended audience of the source, Step 7: Assess the perspective presented in the source, Step 8: Determine the reliability of the source, Step 9: Consider how useful the source is. In History at school we learnt the PANDA method to analyse sources, to test for bias and authenticity. Learn more. King’s justifications for this approach are explained in a It requires following and evaluating arguments and arriving at usable, even if tentative, conclusions based on the available evidence. How was it published? the impact of the Nazi regime on life in Germany, including cultural expression, religion, workers, youth, women, minorities including Jews. What is happening? On History Paper 1, you'll be asked to analyse a number of sources for their "origin, purpose, values and limitations". Relevance. nharrison123. This means that a source can be written in a completely subjective manner and still be considered reliable, as all facts are accurate.
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