Great write up as always. wasn’t sure where to ask so sorry if I’m not supposed to ask here. i’m playing a different deck that i uploaded on my profile and i’m winning a ton. I pray for a Comeback in the new expansion. What are your views on the fact that Paladin deck is very strong in this expansion but no one is bringing it to the GM games. It`s just the same resurrect priest – the quest. You calm yourself a legend. I haven’t come across any big spell mage decks before during ranked, are they really tier 1? On my America server however my cards have been crap but I got Supreme Archaeology and Dr Morrigan so I hoped it’s a viable alternative but I guess not. Because you see, the most popular versions of Mech Hunter ever since Rise of Shadows’ launch were fundamentally different than Bomb Hunter. Also don’t craft anything btw. And talking about un-fun to play against is more about what cards they draw and how often it can escalate hard like if they can put 8/8 on turn 4 and then CC it to kill u by next turn or else if you are aggro they can just freeze your board till they can do this CC shenanigans side by side or put 1 mana KING PHAORIS by turn 5-6 fill their board while freezing yours .I mean unlike warrior they can steam roll both aggro and control if they draw right and that happens more consistently (as they can generate 2 more CC or RAY OF FROST depending on the situation from MAGIC TRICK) than anything and its more about cheating out big value early in the game when most cant deal with it and most times all these situations leads to frustration and un-fun. Devilsaurs, though neutral, aren’t run in warrior so Woecleaver pool of recruits isn’t saturated, thrive in Hunter, and King Krush is devastating to recruit. Why are there rogue cards in the spell hunter deck? “WaggleLock”, “””BOOOOOOOM there goes their Hadronox…..OHHHH DAyum There goes Shittwok! The only good matchup is Control Warrior, and while popular, it’s still only 10-15% of the meta. When the cards are printed they intend to have some power level and if they are to be nerfed later for that power level why print the card in the first place rather i would like it to have that kind of power without breaking the meta and having a healthy gameplay. # 1x (3) Flame Ward # 1x (8) Tortollan Pilgrim Could you link me the build you’ve been playing? Yes i think it is T3. And right now the new expansion is right around the corner, so it will be updated after it launches. go with the aggro decks so that games are shorter and you can climb faster. The deck guides are written by Stonekeep, the decks themselves are created by top players. All you got to do to post it here is not select the private option, and you good. I’m pretty sure the standard Cyclone Mage is better than any of the new stuff Mage is doing. Krush has a raw 8, Grommash has a conditional 10. I even heard about HoFing the Mountain Giant. That`s not the case. Are you aware, that not all people keep spending lots of money on this game, to make sure they can play a 10.000 dust deck? I enjoy this website a lot, most the people here are pretty chill and respond to my questions well, only website where a can ask questions and be told im an idiot. One of Paladins ... 2.Druid (A TIER) 3. On the flip side, it seems the pro player that created the deck is mentioned in the title of there isn’t a guide, like Feno’s Control Paladin. Learn some manners, bye. All stats are from HSreplay. However, my number one tip, is don’t switch cards in against specific decks because they feel like you only play those decks. How can you ever make us take this seriously, when there is written Stonekeep and your own decks almost over every deck on this list. I’m also not a fan of Hyper-Aggro metas, but at least this is a far cry from the dark days of Gadgetzan. Why isn’t Malygos Shaman listed on any tier list? Nickus89, ur not exactly bragging but ur coming off as a bit of a know-it-all. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. E.g. Its so frustrating Blizzard can’t fixed this. You could probably build a deck that wins against Control Warrior 80% of time, but loses against most of the other decks and it just wouldn’t be a good deck. I feel like there should be an option to sort the comments shown by newest first or the one with more likes or relevance by implementing some kind of like/vote system cause most times old comments below are the ones where people express their views and thoughts regularly which is not seen by most people surfing through the article and latest comments and thus miss the opportunity to interact with them. Priest has the lowest winrate on hsreplay, but having zero good meta decks is pretty sad. Thank you for your advice,and your reply! It should convey cinism, but apparently is not that obvious, so I apologise for a misunderstanding. The early winrate stats are just obscene!! I’m not sure if this list is supposed to be in order as control warrior is dropped down to 4th which is what I’m playing atm and I’ve come up against many quest druids and needless to say their quests ended in their death. Although a combo deck, it has a lot of control elements and fairs well against both aggro and your occasional Highlanders. Easiest legend climb in a while. I would say pretty much yes. Jade Druid Tempo Mage. Is Silver hand Paladin a thing? HSReplay tells me that the most popular Warrior deck archetype, Control Warrior, has a 61.9% winrate with its most popular decklist. Is odd warrior better with Elise or with Darius (considering I can only afford one of them for the moment)? Most people are just playing the preset decks since so many cards went to wild. they are far outclassed by Libram of Wisdom. Is this site gonna get updated on standard decks any time soon? I’m just saying that it feels completely wrong to get so outvalued by individual cards. Then again, changing its battlecry that gives mechs Rush into something else would also do a lot to bring the card’s power level down to a better place. So we’ll probably know in a few days! The win rate is proportional to the rank tier. It’s the overall power of the deck that’s the problem, and nerfs to any of the cards the deck uses will help reduce that. (If I knew that, I would’ve kept Vessina and crafting all the Low-Roll cards xD Keep up the good work! A. It’s way better than comparable AoE spells like Twisting Nether, and After all, the wild cards are out for less than a week and the meta is still developing. I understand with all of These and agree if they would do that. It’s not that it’s difficult to play. If those sentences weren’t supported by the argument or a smiley (signalling cynical or sarcastic language), than I would agree with you. very boring and predictable deck with no removal, sucks in about everything after rank 5, and also how is token tier one and taunt tier two, arent those backwards lol, Actually though. So yeah i maintain my statement, it`s not that powerful. No top player is listet here – what a joke to then call it the best decks in standard. It is an absolute joke that the Warrior class has been left in the dark. Trust me, it’s really more nuanced than it seems a lot of time. Or if you play Luna’s Pocket Galaxy into a 1-mana King Phaoris into Conjurer’s Calling on King Phaoris, you’d get double 1-drops. Tempo DH can be quite cheap with the free new cards., I crafted Galakrond warlock and it plays so nice that I’m honestly scared the devs might nerf it. Currently i’m having a lot of success with midrange palladin including curator. I’m physic – mathematic and I’m always count my winrate, how could it be few days almost 72% and on third day I get only almost 15 losses straight and after winrate reached 56-57 I start winning again! Freeze mage doesn’t work so nice from 5 to up. OH i’m not that far down the ladder i’m only tier 12. you think Zoolock is a Tier 3 deck? All priests I come across are quest decks. Have a “gud” day SIR. As for the Baleful Banker – right now, Banker decks report lower win rate than regular builds. I got a few packs, no legendaries. However, they way they’re played changes. Wut?? in legendarys.. Where the hell did you get 5 free legendaries from gadtezan? Just one question: What happened to Miracle Priest? Hearthstone manipulates with winrates! It’s one of Druid’s best decks for laddering and should be viable for reaching legend. It’s okay, but compare it to the other two paladin decks in the meta right now. When your deck has no dup. You talk like in Embigg you get every game the holy grail of hands.


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