Takehiko Yamamoto, “Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea,” New York: CRC Press. This inflammation of the throat lining causes esophagitis, a precursor to esophageal cancer. Then you can Heart an article, boosting its "Ecosystem" score & helping your favorite author to get paid. “I found more evidence that mate causes cancer… damn, I love the stuff…but ignorance is bliss, so…”, Yerba Mate may not be so healthy, after all: “risk of lung cancer 60% higher.”. Too long to read. Dora Loria, in the paper “Cancer and yerba mate consumption: a review of possible associations,” (Rev Panam Salud Publica, 2009) adds to the discussion: Choosing to use hospitalized controls could be a cause of confounding in the results. No one has ever shown yerba mate to cause cancer. Customer Support: support@circleofdrink.com, Join our newsletter for additional education and insight. …very hot drinking temperatures are probably causally related to esophageal cancer whereas low temperature mate is not. The entire rationale for providing academic support in your article is undermined when the audience cannot track down your sources as well. Mate has become a tool of communication and a natural device of sharing and bonding. In a similar case study conducted in Brazil, researchers admitted that the evaluation of the role of temperature may have been biased because of the unclear classification of beverage temperature (Goldenberg, 2003). Learn about the saponins in yerba mate tea >>. As Americans, we love our Google. Traditionally, the herb is consumed from a small vessel (also called a “mate” or gourd); a metal straw with a filter (bombilla) is used to draw up the infused mate after warm or cold water has been added. I stopped drinking mate’ after the published cancer scares, but this article alleviated any fears I have. “In 1991, the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) evaluated the carcinogenic risk of mate and concluded that there is limited evidence for carcinogenicity of hot mate in humans.”(Loria, 2009). It is clear that more research needs to be done in this area, but there does seem to be a connection between mate (which is mostly drunk very hot in South America) and the usage of tobacco and alcohol, combined with the high intake of charred meat and BBQ smoke (which contains PAHs). Elephant offers 2 articles/day for free. Why not join the Elephant community, become an Elephriend. “Several studies have been conducted on the anticancer properties of Mate tea and comparisons have been made with other teas such as green tea, believed to have high anticancer potential. Thank you for informing us with diligence. Premium is the ad-free experience reserved for paying members. There was an unavoidable bias towards the consumption of mate; however, the author, before being associated with selling mate products, had lived in Argentina for over 2 years studying the herb. Scientifically, there has never been a study that showed yerba mate to conclusively cause cancer. May this site’s daily new articles inspire & expand your mind& heart in the midst of this busy-busy world of ours. …the assumption [is] implausible that PAH and temperature may act synergistically. For more: LA Times. As previously mentioned as per the temperature of the mate drunk, the room for error is incredible. 1091, no. According to the Mayo Clinic, yerba mate should be safe enjoyed in moderation. Even today, we are able to find anecdotal evidence of mate’s ability to curb the desire of alcohol consumption and replace tobacco. of Illinois, Urbana, and other notable scientists, we now have a better insight into the chemical makeup of this ancient herb. All rights reserved. Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal & host of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, is a 1st generation American Buddhist “Dharma Brat.” Voted #1 in U.S. on … Read full bio. The primary article, in Los Angeles Times, is “Yerba mate tea: Drink in moderation,” by Elena Conis. And rightly so! Your investment will help Elephant Journal invest in our editors and writers who promote your values to create the change you want to see in your world! The study points out that drinking mate in tea bags, where the leaves are discarded after brief soaking, is far better less worse than drinking mate in the traditional matter, where the leaves are continually steeped. Wonderful article! More research is done about it's healing properties, such as being a powerful mood stabilizer. I drink Yerba Mate every day. Such a basis is critical to begin the dissection of De Stefani’s work. Heck, in the present state that they are cited the reader cannot even be sure if those studies are real or fictitious. Another Uruguayan study, published in the same journal in 2003, found that in a group of about 800 adults, mate drinking tripled the risk of esophageal cancer. Don’t drink your mate very hot. The high temperature at which Mate tea is consumed may also play a role. Americans and Europeans have their coffee houses, while the British and Asian have their teas. It appears that smoking along with drinking yerba mate increases cancer risk by as much as 7 to 10 times. I am sure that you are aware that providing a full citation at the end of the article is just good academic practice. We Made All the Picks—all you need to do is CLICK >>. If it were, cancer would run rampant in countries like Argentina. Suggesting organic is idiocy. Is it Safe to Drink Yerba Mate During Pregnancy? With abject-poverty comes poor diet and nutrition, as well as poor education and and lack of full comprehension of the questions being asked. Learn more. However, there is a growing body of research that takes a deeper looking into the mate and cancer situation. Scientists use the term “adjusting” in an attempt to compensate for these inherent biases and limitations, but there is only so much adjusting that could be done. 1 800 598 6009, Tags: Cancer, Saponins, Yerba Mate Safety. The hypothesis of hot mate being the culprit of cancer through thermal carcinogenesis, has been widely accepted within the community of researchers involved in the matter. If You Eat Shitty Food, Drink Yerba Mate Tea, “Most studies in humans strongly suggested that maté acts as carcinogen due to the high temperature of the ingested liquid… Cancers [esophageal, bladder and lung] were strongly positively associated with hot maté drinking. FDA’s GRAS List, “Botanicals Generally Recognized As Safe,” FDA, http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/syllabus/gras.htm (accessed July 1, 2012). Recently I read that it has a risk of kidney problems, and cancer (esophagus, lung, mouth were the three big ones). Understand the building correlation between alcohol and tobacco consumption with yerba mate. Despite its healthy reputation, numerous research studies have linked regular drinking of yerba mate with increased risk of cancers of the mouth, head and neck, esophagus, bladder, larynx, kidney, and lung and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) (2-18). Based upon these studies, it is suggested to consume mate below180oF, preferably closer to the 155-170ºF range, as well as limiting tobacco and alcohol consumption, effectively assuaging potential associated risks. Moreover, as of yet, there remains no standard method to properly gauge the exact amount of mate consumed by each participant, as each drinker consumes mate in various size gourds, cups, tea bags, etc. | "Elephant Journal" & "Walk the Talk Show" are registered trademarks of Waylon H. Lewis, Enterprises. Does the temperature to which you use to brew matter? I speculate this may have something to do with mate being used as a temperance drink at the turn of the 20th century. The brand has always emphasized the health benefits of the product, and, says Richard Bruehl, Guayaki's Vice President of North American Operations, “It is very encouraging to once again see the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents in yerba mate getting studied." I will be referring to the cumulative body of De Stefani’s work moving forward, in particular with his recent publication “Maté Consumption and Risk of Cancer: a Multi-site Case-Control Study in Uruguay” (Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2011), where he incorporates his previous studies. I hypothesize that the powerful antioxidant compounds found in mate act to increase the solubility of already-present carcinogens found in the body from alcohol and tobacco, as mate does in like manner with increasing the solubility of health-promoting nutrients and vitamins, with the powerful aid of saponins and chlorogenic acid.
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