May 1 is the feast day in honor of St. Joseph the Worker. So while some may currently be without a job, they can still co-labor with God by serving their family and community. The full text can be downloaded below. “This year, we seek the assistance of Our Lady all the more earnestly as we face together the effects of the global pandemic,” he stated. May 1, or May Day, had been a day to recognize workers, especially amongst socialists and communists. April 29, 2020. Fleeing to Egypt with his wife and young child, in fear for Jesus’ life, Joseph would have been burdened with the difficulty of finding suitable work for what may have been a quite lengthy period of time. Bishop Ricken. Yet, in this Easter season of hope, we can find hope in our current situation, too, even for those who have lost their jobs. This is very much in the spirit of St. Joseph. That’s assuming that the adult household members still hold jobs with obligations to fulfill at home. Work is part of what it means to be human. my great protector, Saint Joseph, His closeness to God, upright character, and masculine strength as husband to Mary and foster father to Jesus often provide the lead-in to the main point of the writing as appropriate to the feast: Joseph’s role as breadwinner. Bishop Vincent says “this major shock to our community, and our economy, could provide an opportunity to reset our thinking about how we support the poorest, most marginalised, and most vulnerable members of our community.”. Not only does being out of work create economic challenges, it also attacks our sense of who we are. A Dozen Ways to Use The Compass in the Classroom, Catholic dioceses cope with new limits as virus cases spike in U.S., Canada, Campaign offers prayers for persecuted Christians, New St. Vincent de Paul thrift store to open in Howard on Nov. 30, Bishops say Advent during pandemic can be a time to draw closer to Jesus, Pope meets with NBA players’ union delegation at the Vatican. In particular, those who have a job and a regular source of income have a responsibility to reach out in support of those who have lost their job. Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, While all of these sentiments remain true, a reflection on this particular feast written this year must of necessity take on a quite different meaning and tone. In this we learn the secret of Saint Joseph’s ability to weather even the most unexpected and frightening work-related challenges. May we all turn to him, confident that we will receive similar miracles. These are no ordinary times, after all. Surely, it’s safe to say that just about every aspect of what we consider the “normal” work world has been turned upside down by current measures attempting to stem the tide of the COVID-19 virus. Sincere words from one’s heart, or a brief, simple prayer such as the Memorare that follows, recited frequently, surely will touch the heart of the humble carpenter of Nazareth, Saint Joseph the Worker. St. Joseph has two feast days on the liturgical calendar. The carpenter’s workshop would remain quiet and undisturbed for quite some time; Joseph could not have imagined just how long when he and Mary set out on their journey. This year, this feast takes on special significance here in the Diocese of Green Bay since we are celebrating a special year of prayer in honor of St. Joseph. For example, Archbishop Jose Gomez, President of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, announced that the Bishops of the U. S. and Canada have chosen the date of May 1st to re-consecrate their nations to the care of our Blessed Mother. EWTN Global Catholic Network will air the brief liturgy and prayer of re-consecration at 3 p.m. May all of us with the means do what we can to support those who are struggling right now. The Message and accompanying video focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our work lives. While we don’t learn a whole lot about him from Sacred Scripture, one fact that does come across clearly is that Saint Joseph was no stranger to loss of employment due to unforeseen circumstances. This year, this feast takes on special significance here in the Diocese of Green Bay since we are celebrating a special year of prayer in honor of St. Joseph. consider making a donation to help support our apostolate. Shock, fear, apprehension – any or all of these reactions would be totally understandable when livelihood and future for self and loved ones appear to be in serious jeopardy. On this day and in the coming weeks, I encourage you to turn to St. Joseph and ask for his intercession for all workers, but especially for the unemployed. By connecting this celebration to St. Joseph, who has traditionally been an example for and patron of workers, Pope Pius drew attention to the fact that work is not simply about the material world; there is a spiritual dimension to it. As the sole support of the Holy Family, surely he worked diligently at his craft, passing it on to Jesus, father to son. Copyright © 2019 The Compass News, Inc. All rights reserved. While not true, this is a serious temptation and we must pray for people who have lost their jobs. “Being inspired by the life of St Joseph, the Worker and fulfilling all the duties entrusted to us, with sense of immense trust and faith in the Lord!”. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. The feast of St. Joseph the Worker was initiated in 1955 by Pope Pius XII. Upon the return of the Holy Family to Nazareth (Mt 2:23), Joseph resumed his carpentry trade, but even then, there were no guarantees of a steady, thriving workload. Reflections and meditations written around the May 1st Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker generally tend to focus on the many sterling qualities of the carpenter of Nazareth. I pray that we will not forget the critical services they provide and work to ensure a living wage for all workers. Some words of Pope Francis given on this feast in 2013 are eerily appropriate to the employment crisis being faced by so many today: “Do not lose hope.


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