803-578-1899. PO Box 7750 Charlotte, NC 28241 Terry Meeuwsen: Trust His Heart. In this frame of mind, the Psalmist asked himself, “Why are you in despair…why have you become disturbed within me?” (v. 5). Though everything around him might be shaking, God could be his Rock, and He could bring joy, even if he’d shed tears “day and night” (v. 3). Daily Devotions - Grief. Get to know others seeking God’s guidance and wisdom for life. Inspiration Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Truth be told, I was getting depressed myself because I was finding it harder to hold on to hope as time wore on. Finding words for prayer can seem hard during these seasons of life. COVID-19 is causing disruption to our lives in so many ways and God can help us process these changing times. Is it reasonable to be thankful even when things are difficult? Sign-Up For Our Devotionals. And unremitting grief will give you little consolation in itself, for grief begets grief. In fact, a kind of epidemic of depression and discouragement has swept over the world. Start praising Him. For many people inspirational devotions are important during difficult times in life, such as grief and loss. “Taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee” (Matthew 26:37). Watch and learn from the way Jesus fought his strategic battle against despondency or depression. Remember, you can hope in Him. But, in the face of these burdens, the Psalmist turned to God. Admail 3905 London, W1A 1ZT Seek Him. We are here to help and encourage you! I felt that a grief devotional section might be welcomed by some of … He chose some close friends to be with him. United States. Can God change your life? If he faced ridicule or opposition, the Psalmist knew that these were times to thirst for God and crave His presence “as the deer pants for the water brooks” (v. 1). Don’t allow your life to be dominated by depression or discouragement. The Bible teaches unmistakably that we can triumph over bereavement. Get more than a Sunday sermon. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. When you find yourself in one of life's ruts, stop, look down at the string that holds you, and break free. She has a master of arts in communications and her award-winning novels explore ordinary women on extraordinary faith journeys. Inspirational Devotions by Hospice Chaplain. Yes, God wants our happiness, but he is also genuinely interested in our sadness. Check your inbox now to confirm your email address. He realized that God could give him victory in any situation, and he could hope in Him. On those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. As a child, I hid peas in dinner napkins or even under my tongue. He never changes. The Psalmist knew what this was like, for he found that his soul was in “despair” and “disturbed.” The Hebrew words here suggest that he felt the weight of life’s burdens. I still hate them. A well-used Bible, full of personal notes of reflection, underscores and highlights, and prayers for others, becomes a legacy. This conclusion is clear from a recent study that revealed “nearly a quarter of workers around the world are depressed.” In fact, “only 12% of the global workforce feels optimistic.” This darkness of soul and mind has been stimulated by “many environment factors,” and has helped foster “a negative mindset” for many workers. But God is faithful. Check your email for details and to confirm your subscription. Send a prayer request now, or call 1‑800‑700‑7000. He opened his soul to them. Other people will disappoint us. Read His Word, and confess His promises. Moses asked God to take his life (Numbers 11:10-15), Job cursed the day of his birth (Job 3:1-26), Jonah was angry with God and wanted to die (Jonah 4:3-9). But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. +44 (0) 84 5683 0580, Be Encouraged Daily! Focus on God. As this study demonstrates, we easily can become discouraged. Are you aware that numerous men and women of the Bible struggled with sadness? Jesus modeled grief, and the Holy Spirit can be grieved (Eph. He knows we are human, we get hurt, we lose hope, and suffer grief. Inspiration Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 4:30). Dealing with death is not easy for any of us. I wish they'd never been on my plate. End of an Era? God made it possible for you to know. Its pleasures and possessions inevitably fade. The fact is, it will only add to your misery. © 2020 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. Using television and the Internet, CBN is proclaiming the Good News in 149 countries and territories, with programs and content in 67 languages. Whether death is sudden and unexpected or whether it is the culmination of a long illness, we all struggle with letting go of our loved ones. Discover God's peace now. The Psalmist said, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Self-pity can bring no enduring comfort. Christians are instructed to live "not as those with no hope.". Throughout the Bible, God lets us into his grief. Here are three ways God calms us when our distress seems out of control. PO Box 7750 Charlotte, NC 28241 803-578-1899. —Isaiah 9:2 (NIV) We were attending a support group to learn how best to help our son who was suffering from depression. When our anxiety is great, God can console us and restore our joy. God isn't saying to be thankful something awful happened. Do we face challenges with determination, or do we allow them to determine our destiny? Sharon Hinck is a wife and a mother of four, who loves spending mornings—and all day—with Jesus. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. In our lives, we will discover the limit of the world’s answers. The Bible gives us an amazing glimpse into the soul of Jesus the night before he was crucified. CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. There are many reasons to be discouraged.
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