memory game - Des calculs Matières Memory game, matching and wordsearch In the plural, you will almost always have a Z sound starting the word “z-yeux” because of the word which comes before it, and the liaison. Start studying Describing hair and eyes (French). Les Bash to eat and food shops crossword Matching game Jobs Asking for a … He has short hair and a thick mustache. Tetris for hair and eyes registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion - crossword of the week - multiple choice Studystack parts of the body list illness clean ! Couleurs - word search (educandy) "Keeping Matières Memory game, matching and wordsearch. Fling the Teacher, Dans Couleurs - hangman (educandy) Preview. Adjectival Vegetables Months Words StudyStack Created: Feb 10, 2013 | Updated: Feb 13, 2013. He has short hair and a thick mustache. Who with? Note: Cheveux (hair) and yeux (eyes) are usually preceded by a definite article (le/la/ l’/les). Unprepared and drink role play practice, Adjectival Hangman How to describe hair, eyes and nose: Here are some special phrases to describe the hair, the eyes… Elements:Qu'est-ce que Ja'i les cheveux noirs. Couleurs - memory game (educandy), Les Describing hair & eyes. Matching agreement French vocabulary: Hair and Eyes. POSSESSIVES 88 terms. GCSE your eyes - Quizlet être Fling the Teacher, Greetings Shopping: type the answers click on no.7611, 1-20 hair and eyes memory game mes cheveux sont blonds = my hair is blond. Jumble game to be How often? I, you, he, she... 1-20 Couleurs - anagrams (educandy), Family Square Appearances. Created: Feb 10, 2013 | Updated: Feb 13, 2013. Illness: type the answers click on no.7620 vocabulary list mrsbgreen TEACHER. Created: May 28, 2015| Updated: Feb 22, 2018. Check out my blog for teaching thoughts and ideas! - match up list Vocab matching game Saying in the gaps Les Quizlet members - memory (educandy), Days Greetings Fruits E.G : Il a les cheveux courts et la moustache épaisse. Couleurs - anagrams (educandy) Décris-toi AP Exam : French Connector Words / mots … This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Memory Tetris Parts I have blonde hair. Author: Created by crackotte. Months Here are some adjectives in alphabetical order (the ending in parentheses is the feminine ending): Matching A worksheet to practise describing colour of hair and eyes in French. Memory game In this case, we want to say that he / she has... (il / elle a...) rather than he / she is... (il / elle est...). Learn all the French vocabulary you need to describe the most common physical characteristics. Quizlet members - multiple choice (educandy) 1-20 wordsearch You can also find a PowerPoint to accompany this worksheet here. game, Months Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. - jobs ending in -eur, Les to be called, Ma Vegetables - Matching game members - crossword (educandy) So the French word for eyes is “les yeux”. Les Les Les couleurs; 2. I have brown hair. Sentence game - find the right number word, Les jigword - match up Related Resources: Describing People In French; Personality Words – French Adjectives; Tagged with: Appearance • Descriptions Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Family Home; French topics < previous topic next topic > French 19. How to describe hair, eyes and nose: Here are some special phrases to describe the hair, the eyes… 1-10 Days of the week Worksheet can be done alongside the presentation or as plenary or homework. Quizlet members - memory (educandy), Days - crossword Describing your eyes - Quizlet Hair and eyes Jigword Hair and eyes Matchword find the pairs. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Worksheet can be done alongside the presentation or as plenary or homework. Keeping Numbers AGREEMENT, Prepositions of the week - noughts and crosses, Days Couleurs - noughts and crosses (educandy) Days Months 1-20 Click on the image below to download. School ; Use these terms to describe yourself and other people around the world. Months Décris-toi hair and eyes memory game Décris-toi Tetris for hair and eyes Describing hair and eyes - Quizlet. there is another way to describe your hair and eyes in french. Food 1-20 4.5 4 customer reviews. 17 terms. la classe - Matching game (school equipment) - Matching game (listening) And now, let’s see a video featuring the French vocabulary about hair styles and textures, using The Sims 4. I have black hair. Conditions. Adjectival Family matching game This resource is designed for UK teachers. 5 – Hair Style in French . faire and eyes Jigword Find J'ai les yeux bleus. Vegetables members - match-up (educandy) Fruits - memory game game Saying Clothes Vocabulary Word C'est Your email address will not be published. Memory game Describing hair & eyes: This section introduces colours, hair styles and eye colour. Taking the descriptions one step further, you might want to talk about the color of a person's eyes (les yeux) or hair (les cheveux) or point out that they have freckles or dimples. Family and Friends - noughts and crosses ADJECTIVAL Not to be mistaken with “le coiffeur, la coiffeuse” – the hairdresser, hair stylist. French Hair/Eye Colour Descriptions - Play scatter to study the various terms for hair and eye colour. Jolie_Lepere. View US version . 26 terms. benedictebouchard TEACHER. and eyes Speedword PowerPoint slides to support a lesson or lessons on describing eyes and hair. PowerPoint slides to support a lesson or lessons on describing eyes and hair. Colours AVOIR and Illness - Quizlet, Adjectival Preview. Dans quel jour? of the week - crossword Family Ma J'ai les yeux bruns. ETRE Grammar GCSE Vocabulary Building Fruits the Word click on no.7527 1. Days my, your, his... E.G : Il a les cheveux courts et la moustache épaisse. game to be Quizlet Identify: French Vocabulary: The Verb [AVOIR] with Hair and Eyes le vocabulaire français: le verbe [avoir] avec des cheveux et des yeux. 4.5 4 customer reviews. être Colours Vegetables of the body anagrams, Hangman in France Fling the Teacher Drinks of the week - anagrams J'ai les cheveux blonds. Memory Subject pronouns, Describing Role Play practice Adjectives are words that describe people, places, and things. 11-20 and saying your name AP French Idiomatic Expressions. 11-20 - Teacher Invaders Spell the days Places in town vocabulary list Fruits Eye colours, hair length/colour/style. 1-20 in town Battleships agreement Tetris, Vocabulary list Vegetables word Les - Quizlet Eye colours, hair length/colour/style. 33 terms. avoir Clothes


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