Chandigarh (Chandigarh) to Jalandhar (Punjab) driving directions for the distance of 147 kilometers. we are providing various distance for various mode of travel; If there are any other mode of transport between Chandigarh and Jalandhar alike flight, ferry, train , walk and bycycle. This is a Travel Map similar to the ones found on GPS enabled devices and is a perfect guide for road trip with directions. You can use our distance tool to get the flight distance, train distance and road distance. See the distance between Chandigarh and Jalandhar with map locating shortest roads and directions from Chandigarh to Jalandhar. It will take at least 2 hours 37 minutes by road and will cost you at least 735 of fuel! The Flight Travel distance to Jalandhar from Chandigarh is 132.39 Kilometers or 82.26 miles. The weather is great for a daytime picnic or game of cricket. Know how to reach from Chandigarh to Jalandhar … The blue line shows the shortest route to Travel from Chandigarh to Jalandhar. Chandigarh Jalandhar distance is 3943 KM. Get travel duration, driving direction from Chandigarh to Jalandhar by Road, Trains, Bus, Car and Flight only at MakeMyTrip Route Planner.


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