Buffers for Biomanufacturing In selecting a buffer, it is important to consider the function and composition of the buffering solution needed for the specific stage of your process. 0000001640 00000 n
Phosphate buffered saline contains sodium chloride (NaCl) and dibasic sodium phosphate (Na2PO4). Its pH changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it and thus it is used to prevent changes in the pH of a solution. ���弬F�$5�S3tO��%��h�l�(��B�3t����9�ƗU��L3!�G26ˆ�df�~��2����w�M�~�99WÜ�P�S�;!�8�'��ᮝZ�^����0b��c�5�o����ʼn�f
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In order for a particular reaction to occur or to occur at an appropriate rate, the pH of the reaction medium must be controlled. ?�tӂůO#@�~/x�ۨF ��6�x3�j��Ǧ��F4N4�����p!��
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BIOLOGICAL BUFFERS Many chemical reactions are affected by the acidity of the solution in which they occur. Introduction . 0000014099 00000 n
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This booklet is designed to help answer basic questions about the use of buffers in biological systems. 0
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A buffer is an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its salt ( acidic buffer ) or a weak base and its salt ( basic buffer ) . Effective Available pack size Assay Code pH range (by Titration) 66822 ACES Buffer extrapure 7365-82 -4 6.1 - 7. 0000224944 00000 n
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The chemical buffer system provides a partial explanation for the control of the body pH within the narrow limits required for life. 0000011135 00000 n
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1- Understand the concept of the buffer , its importance in chemistry and in real life and its types . 0000001523 00000 n
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Preparation and Use of Buffers in Biological Systems. We are frequently asked questions on the use of buffers that we offer to research laboratories. 0000006949 00000 n
OBJECTIVES The overall objective is to define and explain pH change and its control through the actions of buffers. 0000029470 00000 n
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Buffer solutions are used frequently in pharmaceutical practice, particularly in the formulation of ophthalmic solutions. hTmO�0�+�}*~w Uje���
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