It is unlikely that millions of people want to be “friends” with Pampers. For many others, media depictions become a reference group: a group that influences an individual and to which an individual compares himself or herself, and by which we judge our successes and failures. What started out as a symbol of coolness and insider status, unavailable to parents and corporate shills, now promotes consumerism in the form of games and fandom. But for technophiles, technology symbolizes the potential for a brighter future. But chances are you don’t think of Facebook as one big online advertisement. The concept consists of three premises: Human beings act toward things … Explain using a symbolic interactionist perspective. In what ways has the Internet affected how you view reality? For example, many veterans of the Armed Forces, after completing tours of duty in the Middle East, are returning to college rather than entering jobs as veterans from previous generations did. Theorists working in the interactionist perspective focus on this social construction of reality, an ongoing process in which people subjectively create and understand reality. Symbolic Interactionism and Technology Technology itself may act as a symbol for many. Neo-Luddites are people who are critical of technology and who see it as symbolizing the coldness and alienation of modern life. Symbolic Interactionism Examples Symbolic Interactionism Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory of communication that came out of the University of Chicago in the early 20 th century that espouses that communication in a society is based on linguistic, visual, and gestural symbols and understanding is subjective and shared. Even supposedly crowd-sourced sites like Yelp (which aggregates local reviews) are not immune to corporate marketing intrusions. Through your interactions with the letters ‘dog’, you see this as a furry, four-legged canine. Or did it offer the best method to illuminate the social issue. (A discourse is an ongoing conversation, or a body of knowledge accumulated thusly.) However, through symbolic interaction, a person may find a social meaning behind smoking, a meaning communicated through the language of a media or peer group that glamorizes smoking. Facebook, which started as a free social network for college students, is increasingly a monetized business, selling you goods and services in subtle ways. Neo-Luddites are people who see technology as symbolizing the coldness and alienation of modern life. For example, think of all the money spent to upgrade popular Facebook games like Candy Crush. An interactive or media element has been excluded from this version of the text. Proponents of this theory conceptualize human interactions as a continuous process of deriving meaning from both objects in the environment and the actions of others. 3) These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process that a person uses in dealing with the things he or she encounters. Meanwhile, media create and spread symbols that become the basis for our shared understanding of society. The use of Facebook to create an online persona by only posting images that match your ideal self exemplifies the_____________ that can occur in forms of new media. The religion cane be defined as “a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion [2] .” And the pursuit of social media is the pursuit of voyeurism, of social validation and, for the most part: of … 2. The web is also full of blogs chronicling lives lived “off the grid,” or without participation in the commercial economy. You’ll have more success on the Self-Check, if you’ve completed the three Readings in this section. That person may then think, or interpret the symbols surrounding smoking, and find in his inner dialogue that the social meaning behind smoking outweighs the objective health consequences. Self-Check: Theoretical Perspectives on Media and Technology. Select a theoretical perspective, and describe how it would explain this. Explain, and use examples. Symbolic interactionism is an incredibly helpful tool in ethnomusicological study, and, in my experience, can be applied effectively in the classroom by music educators at all levels. For more information contact us at or check out our status page at You can view it online here:,
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