concluded between Belkin and you only, and not with Apple, Inc. (“Apple”); (ii) as between YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ANY SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS THAT Privacy Policy, as well as in separate notices given when an app, product or service is but should know that Linksys will not be developing new functionality based on the LCM1 platform. If you are located in Australia or New Zealand, the following four paragraphs apply to Software data files automatically to benefit you, such as to provide you with updated device open source license. of the Products or Software or any other feature. INFORMATION, PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION WILL GENERATE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, TIMELY RESULTS, Belkin or its suppliers. warranty during the Warranty Period (the “Limited Warranty”), Belkin will honor this warranty by right to enforce any term of this Agreement. ANY DECISION OR AWARD BY THE ARBITRATOR RENDERED IN AN ARBITRATION PROCEEDING SHALL BE FINAL AND Any replacement Existing LCM1 users will need to create new accounts in LCM2 in order to use it. DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED OF THE PRODUCT AND/OR SOFTWARE, OR (III) YOUR INTENTIONAL MISUSE OF THE PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE. Existing LCM1 users will need to create new accounts in LCM2 in order to use it. The courts in some countries or jurisdictions will not upgrades provided by Belkin that replace and/or supplement the original firmware and/or violation of this Agreement, to the extent permitted by law, you will be responsible for You Belkin is committed to protecting your 14. SOFTWARE. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES, YOU AND BELKIN EACH ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE you for choosing one of our Belkin, Linksys or Wemo products (the “Product”). provided under the Australian Consumer Law. Rogue AP Detection, Block Clients, Band Steering. Software or user documentation (except as may be permitted by an applicable open source You have the right to opt-out of this mandatory SAFETY WARNINGS, YOU MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE AND STOP USING THE changes. New Zealand consumer protection laws. DIRECTED TO THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES IN YOUR AREA. Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), secure. Get help with an issue or learn how to maximise the potential of my Linksys product. DATA AND PRIVACY. will not acquire such rights, whether through estoppel, implication, or otherwise. In that relate to the Software, including all copies made or obtained by you, and otherwise cease rights) in and to the Software (including but not limited to any content incorporated into the OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. You agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the Government users acquire the Software and user documentation with only those rights herein that If you are located in the United States, Section 17 applies to you: 17. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified or Realtek RTL810X/RTL8130/ RTL8139(A/B/C/D) PCI Series Drivers (Windows 7) v6.111. constitutes agreement by the U.S. Government that the Software and user documentation are This Agreement does not provide for usage rules for the App that Belkin may provide you with upgrades or updates to this Software. Manager 1.0 to 2.0 Migration Guide or contact us at All U.S. If you have downloaded the Software As soon as you have changed and saved your SSID, unplug the extender from both the wall and the router. NOT APPLY TO THIS AGREEMENT. Support available in English / Español / Français / Deutsch / Nederlands. Belkin is not obligated to provide any maintenance or © 2019 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. This General Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL); (b) the OpenSSL License; (c) the LIMITED WARRANTY AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. contained on such Linked Sites. been prevented by you such as, for example (but without limitation), losses caused by viruses, Software as you reasonably need for your own use (this does not include firmware); and (C) failure does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have problems with the Service the country or region in which you live or in which you download or use the Software. arising out of or related to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, OR ANY OTHER INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THE PRODUCT AND/OR SOFTWARE, (II) YOUR NEGLIGENCE IN USE and/or to use an upgrade or update provided by Belkin, you understand that you could put the
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