Outside of Books One and… Dahood rendered "I walk" here as "I march," indicating that the context is military. ( Log Out /  Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand - As one does when he is about to inflict a blow. There is a dramatic shift of persons here. Go to, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient, "Before the gods will I sing praises unto thee", "In the day that I called, thou answeredst me", "All the kings of the earth shall give thee thanks", "Jehovah is high ... he hath respect unto the lowly ... the haughty he knoweth from afar", "Jehovah will perfect that which concerneth me", Commentary Critical and Explanatory - Unabridged, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. There is a double reference to Jehovah in Psalms 138:4, in which the psalmist addresses Jehovah in the second person; and here adjacent to Psalms 138:4 we have the third person. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. By "emending" (that means changing) the text Briggs "corrected" this usage of persons. This is a reference to the tabernacle, not to Solomon's temple, nor to the rebuilt temple following the captivity. "[6] However, this does not diminish the propriety of understanding these as the words of David. The doctrine of the "perseverance of the saints." Verse 4 "All the kings of the earth shall give thee thanks, O Jehovah, For they have heard the words of thy mouth. Learn how your comment data is processed. And give thanks unto thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Their low and obscure condition does not prevent his observing them, and they need have no fear that he will overlook them, or that they will be forgotten. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth. Thou didst enable me to meet danger, and to overcome fear. There are very many points in relation to God, of the highest interest to mankind, on which the disclosures of science shed no light; there are many things which it is desirable for man to know, which calmer be learned in the schools of philosophy; there are consolations which man needs in a world of trouble which cannot be found in nature; there is especially a knowledge of the method by which sin may be pardoned, and the soul saved, which can never be disclosed by the blow-pipe, the telescope, or the microscope. They are in the Book Five of Psalms and are with the psalms known as the “Songs of Ascent.”  These were song that pilgrims sang as they went up to Jerusalem and the Temple. It was evidently written in view of trouble Psalm 138:3, Psalm 138:7, and it expresses confidence that God would interpose in the future in behalf of the author, as he had done in the past; and it is, therefore, adapted to inspire confidence and hope in all who are called to pass through scenes of trial. For great is the glory of the Lord - Great is his character; great his dignity; great his honor; and all this will be seen to be so when those of most exalted rank thus worship and adore him. These eight Psalms are composed in the first person, ... Every creature bears the name of God; but in his word and truth therein contained it is written at length, and therefore he is more choice of this than of all his other works; he cares not much what becomes of the world and all in it, so that he keeps his word, and saves his truth. 138-145, placed together in this part of the book, and ascribed to David. Before the gods will I sing praise unto thee - The idols; all idols; in preference to them all. This is the first of a group of eight psalms that are ascribed to David in the superscriptions, and this writer demands something more reliable than the speculations and guesses of critics as a reason for denying their accuracy. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great. Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. The word temple here undoubtedly refers to the tabernacle. This psalm was apparently written following God's favorable answer of some very significant prayer on the part of the psalmist. Pingback: Work of His Hands | Mark's Bible Study. "I will give thee thanks with my whole heart: Before the gods will I sing praises unto thee. The rest, of course! ( Log Out /  Words in boxes are from the Bible. The psalm does not admit of any particular analysis. Yea, they shall sing of the ways of Jehovah; For though Jehovah is high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly; "All the kings of the earth shall give thee thanks" (Psalms 138:4). 76, 85, 89.). Barnes understood Psalms 138:4 here as prophetic. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 138. www.easyenglish.bible. It is not to be regarded as strange that there should be psalms of this nature David at different periods which might have been preserved in different branches of his family, and which might not have been generally known to exist. Hence, David feels sure that God will not overlook him. "Notwithstanding all God's greatness and glory, he condescends to look upon the lowly and supply them. For thou hast magnified thy word - Thou hast made it great. The occasion on which this psalm was composed cannot now be determined. But the proud - Those of lofty rank, and of lofty feelings; the haughty. "Everything here centers about the prospect of having the kings of the earth offer their praises to the Lord for what he had done to David."[5]. The original subtitles are in my NIV and many Bibles like my Holman Study Bible add their own titles to give people a sense of contents of the psalm. And praise thy name for thy loving-kindness - Praise thee for thy benignity; thy mercy; thy benevolence. Though he is exalted - though he is in heaven - yet he is not so far removed but that he sees them, and knows them altogether. Prayer is one of the means - and an essential means - by which the saints are to be kept unto salvation. It is rare that the works of an author, especially a poet, are collected and published, and that things of this kind - fugitive and occasional pieces - are not subsequently found; nor is it very unusual that such pieces may, after all, be among the most tender, touching, and beautiful of his compositions. Psalm 138. King David did not write this psalm with Negative Theology in mind. And strengthenedst me with strength in my soul - literally, "Thou didst embolden - or, didst make me courageous with strength." Words in brackets, ( ), are not in the *Hebrew Bible. "Great is the glory of Jehovah" (Psalms 138:5). I like to think where and when psalms were written and read them in those possible contexts. In this verse, King David makes a very personal claim, that God searches David and knows David. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Psalm 138:1. Burns' Highland Mary," so much admired, and his "When wild War's deadly blast was blown," a poem which no one can read without tears - with not a few others of his, are of this description. "Commentary on Psalms 138:4". These reveal that the psalm is a royal song; and the words of it find their closest counterparts in the Ugaritic tablets of the tenth century B.C.. “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.” Psalm 138:3. =) I’m just being difficult. Compare the notes at Psalm 71:20. "[1] There are some writers who take the word "temple" (Psalms 138:2) as a reference to that of Solomon. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me; Thou wilt stretch forth thy hands against the wrath of mine enemies. THANKSGIVING FOR THE LORD'S LOVINGKINDNESS. These psalms were probably grouped by whoever did the editing and grouping of the psalms into the form we know today. "I will worship toward thy holy temple" (Psalms 138:2). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Which psalms were not written by David? Thou wilt meet their wrath by thy power, and I shall be safe. Then he wrote, "Results just the contrary emerge when we take cognizance of epigraphic discoveries of the past forty years. They are said, in his Biography, to have been "extracted from the correspondence of Burns." [7] However, as Dahood pointed out, the Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, those from "Cave 11" support the Hebrew text of the Old Testament in this passage. Psalm 138 is one of the most encouraging psalms. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. "This refers to a time, of which frequent prophetic mention is made in the Scriptures. The most lofty on earth shall acknowledge that there is one who is more exalted than they are, and their own dignity and splendor shall thus contribute to deepen the impression of the honor and glory of God. Psalm 138 could have been after Samuel anointed him and they go to Psalm 145 that has the sound of an older mature king who is looking back at his life and wanting his people to look ahead to the life and purpose in God.


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