We celebrated yesterday the Feast of the Visitation. Mary stays 3 months there. And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. The virgin’s name was Mary. Well, think about what has just happened: She’s been told that she is pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. (John 21:25) Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. Elizabeth is … [6] God also named other significant people: Ishmael (Gen. 16:11); Isaac (Gen. 17:19); Jedidiah, aka Solomon (2 Sam. Can we please have a similar article on the Annunciation? In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. Mary's visit to Elizabeth was no ordinary family visit. ————————————————- Real flesh that rose (glorified) from real death. As each Davidic King ascends, he is introduced with his mother. Joseph is very much in the background in Luke’s version of the nativity. Will be looking forward to them. OR But we don’t see this in many church communities. I get nauseated and hungry in a car when I travel. But the OT is also bursting with Typology that is fulfilled & excelled in Mary. how is the very womb that housed God-The-Son (and which gave Him flesh & human life) that was therefore the holiest place on Earth……..rotting in a grave somewhere? When I say … “Mary the mother of Jesus is Queen of Heaven “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head” …..I am saying that John is obviously telling us a very important truth about Mary’s exaltation. Thanks a lot. And, to tell you the truth, I’m not that interested, especially because of the way the statements are stacked. Queen of Heaven (Davidic King’s Mother was His Queen. Any woman who has traveled while pregnant can tell you that it isn’t fun. There’s never been a better time to help Busted Halo reach those who feel disconnected from their faith. God revokes His prohibition, so that we are now actually instructed to eat of the flesh of His Divine Fruit from His Tree of Life……….in His Eucharist (See John 6) Zechariah’s doubt also contrasts with his wife’s faith. Mary is portrayed, in immediate rapid succession, as.. Mother of The Messiah. (2) Manna. Moses could not enter the meeting tent, because the cloud. But I think the “presumption” should weigh in its favour, rather than not. Elizabeth says this to Mary, but what does David say at 2 Samuel 6:9? How blessed it is to be part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. These three (inanimate) objects made the Ark so holy that Uzzah was struck dead for touching it. Christ’s Incarnation itself has been heretically “symbolised” The Hidden Meaning of "What Good Can Come From Nazareth? The final day of the month is the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation, wherein Mary, with Jesus in her womb, went to visit her cousin Saint Elizabeth who was pregnant too, with Saint John the Baptist. You may be interested in this post, which addresses the angel's greeting to Mary: http://www.thescottsmithblog.com/2017/04/hail-queen-of-jews.html, Thank you Scott. The latter title necessitated by the fact The Davidic King (& therefore Messiah) had his Mother as his Queen, sitting on a throne beside him with the role (Gebirah) of interceding for the people. May it happen to me just as you have said.’. Why? The Mystery of the Visitation is most often identified in Rosary meditational books with the virtue of charity, and rightly so. It is not a question of literal location, astronomy or apparel; any more than the throne John describes in Rev 4:2-5 is a literal seat for God to sit down. I also thought it interesting in this narrative how God silences Zechariah and makes him mute, while retaining Elizabeth’s voice. (Bearing in mind the purpose of the writer is not to explain customs to us that were obvious to their immediate audience.) Rather, he had his eye on her (in a good way), waiting for the right time to give her a miracle child. Thank you! How could I have a child?’ Gabriel said: ‘Nothing is impossible for Jehovah. How did the baby inside of Elizabeth move when Mary said, "Hello"? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Angel explicitly tells Mary “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. Sometimes we give in these encounters, and sometimes we receive. At The Visitation Mary visits Elizabeth in…. However, I disagree with your either-or proposition. Thank you for your encouragement!! Elizabeth says this to Mary, but what does David say at 2 Samuel 6:9? [6] Zechariah writes the name down on a tablet to confirm what his wife is saying, at which point, he regains the ability to speak. Where each woman provides reassurance and support and mentorship to the other. At Cana; Mary says…. The whole house was blessed. And in return, Mary was there to support Elizabeth with her amazing faith and as Elizabeth faced her late-in-life pregnancy. John shows Mary “doing” Gebirah. Answer: That Mary's baby was blessed and that Mary was blessed above all women. God provided Elizabeth to Mary as a kind of spiritual grandmother -- a pregnant grandmother at that! Here is the scene that Luke is referencing from the Old Testament, Now re-read Luke's account of the Visitation at. Real flesh, taken (“bones of my bones”) from Mary’s real womb….the Ark-fulfilled. Let's spread joy by being a little happier even if things are not going our way. Elizabeth just replaces "the mother" for "the ark". But I don’t recall reading much about the mothers of kings (with the exception of Athaliah), though we do know some of their names.
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