is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Lookup by business name, type, service or category, and choose location. There is also a distinct lack of telephone numbers included on the entries - some companies have them listed but you need to click on the telephone icon below the address to get to it. It also has a couple of other resources, showing the most reported UK area codes. Scroll down the page to find FREE REVERSE NUMBER LOOKUP SERVICES Also in Welsh. Get instant results with United Kingdom email lookup. Also, search for people by email address with a United Kingdom reverse email search. Find a business in the United Kingdom Business Yellow Book - '//' + cx; For those who wish to call Blackburn from abroad, follow these simple steps: 1. Calls to 118 directory enquiries numbers often cost over £5 each time. Business directory with over 200,000 listings. Find phone numbers in Scotland for Aberdeen, Argyle, Dundee , Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Stirling. Choose people finder to lookup by name, address, phone, or postal code. Need to call someone in United Kingdom? For reference, the latest viewable UK census is 1901, and will remain so until early 2012 when the 1911 census can be released. United Kingdom Business Directory ( Yell business directory, formerly Yellow Pages; White Pages is a paid subscription telephone number and address finder; is a free reverse phone lookup service. UK Yellow Pages ( United Kingdom Phone books gives you access to people lookup, business yellow book and reverse email lookup in United Kingdom and worldwide. tells you more about people, businesses & places in the UK than any other directory. Search by keyword, company name or service and location. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); What else are you looking for in the UK? You type in what you're looking for and then have to scroll through all the entries which are arranged in an alphabetical order. Simply enter the phone number in the correct international format. UK person search allowing you to find people by name and or address. Find a person by searching the edited UK electoral roll, Companies House, the phone book, and consumer data. Our free UK yellowbook directory enquiries include white pages, yellow pages and email address lookup. Locate people by email or search the local phonebook by first name, last name and location. Also, search for people by email address with a. Lookup people in UK Infobel Phone Book ( Search Businesses. UK WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY PHONE NUMBER SEARCH AND … The place, or at least part of postcode, needed for each search. Comprehensive business directory searchable by keyword or category. Search The Phone Book from BT to find contact details of businesses and people across the UK, or UK and country dialling codes. Save money by using ukphonebook where you get 5 free telephone number searches every day. Look up people or business with the UK Phone Book by BT - Partners: Lookup UK - UK Birth Adoption Contact Register - UK Genealogy Web - UK Electoral Roll - People Lookup UK - United States Phone Book British Yellow Pages - UK Vital Records - Locate Plus UK - UK Friends Reunited - Free UK Electoral Roll - Genes Reunited - Find My Past - Ancestry - Search by first and last name, and location. UNITED KINGDOM DIRECTORIES - PHONEBOOK.CO.COM. Find this person: Exact matches only. Dial the international access code 2. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Results show maps, full details including websites and also, quite handily, other similar local businesses or services. Search People. Not the most user friendly in terms of finding something in a location right away - you can't type in a type of business and location (for example, hotels in Birmingham). gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? Now limited to five free searches (credits) a day. This directory alsohas a business search. This People Search site requires the user to register first - Find by company name with the UK Business Yellow Pages ( by category | Choose by location | Choose by top businesses. The BT Phone Book is the main phone book for residential numbers in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.. Search the UK on the International White Pages (UK) for general information from the British web. 'https:' : 'http:') + Find phone numbers in England with White Pages, Yellow Pages and BT Directory Enquiries.
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