Once he is utterly defeated in your life, he is utterly defeated. Jesus Christ is that descendent, the genealogy is traced for us in Matthew 1. Jesus sets him free. For Eicke it is an exercise of  self- discipline, even to the point of being so still he doesn’t blink his eyes. All Rights Reserved. That’s what Bartimaeus was doing, desperately crying out to Jesus. And Jesus stood still and commanded that they bring Bartimaeus to Him. Look at verse 50, “And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus.” In other words Bartimaeus didn’t want anything to cause him to trip as he made his way to Jesus. God sometimes uses desperation in our lives to drive us to Himself. Have a look at Mark 10:46-52. In fact, waiting patiently for God to act is probably the most difficult thing about the Christian walk. © 2020 SermonSearch. We’re not sure why Bartimaeus chose to cry out ‘Son of David have mercy on me.’ The title Son of David was a clear reference to the promise made by God to King David in about 1000 BC. So look at how Jesus does this. When Jesus stood still that day He was about to take the least and put them in the place of honor, the last would be first. The three most common words heard among Christians in times of crisis are: "Lord, do something!" Part of walking humbly with our God is to learn to ask, even to ask the obvious, even to ask repeatedly, even to ask in faith. O. C. E. A. E. Social. Free Access to Sermons on Stand Still, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Stand Still, and Preaching Slides on Stand Still. He fills these ones with a sense of excitement that something wonderful is about to happen. In Exodus 14 verse 13, Moses was told by God to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. You can see but you just can’t reach it. That day I believe that the first face that Bartimaeus saw was the face of Jesus. The effect of that new life changed the course of Bartimaeus life, no longer did he live in the dust of Jericho. A beggar’s life is like being in a prison where food and shelter are on the other side of an invisible door. It was uphill from here to Jerusalem because Jericho is about 1500 feet below sea level making it the lowest town on the face of the earth. Copyright © 2017 Faith Community Church. It is against our nature to stand still and do nothing when we face perplexing trials. He uses that kind of prayer to punch a hole through the hopelessness. He uses desperation to sharpen humility, the humility that all prayer is dependent upon. Bartimaeus cried out for mercy, he knew what it was to be judged as worthless but now he appealed to Jesus to be merciful. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” It’s called the Davidic Covenant and it refers to a descendent of David Whose kingdom would be eternal. There is a wonderful verse in Micah 6:8 that goes, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” We generally don’t have a problem when it comes to doing justly or to love justice. The Son of David, The Master, The Lord, Is Merciful. You'll write powerful and fresh messages every week with our preparation tools on a number of sermon topics, including expository preaching. Open as PDF The three most common words heard among Christians in times of crisis are: "Lord, do something!" Keep in mind; when anything worth value is accomplished in our lives, it has been God who has done it and not we, ourselves. I love what happens next, “Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.” It was the faith of Bartimaeus that started with him crying out even though others told him to be quiet. The NASB says they went to Bartimaeus saying, “Take courage, stand up! Stand still, hold your peace and see the salvation of the Lord and know this; this enemy you shall see no more. Introduction: John Eicke, is a performance artist who works as a so-called living statue. For Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus, this was just another day until he heard people, lots of people, a great crowd of people moving up the road towards him. I think it is the enthusiasm of these ones who now called Bartimaeus to cheer up, to get up, to know that Jesus is especially calling for you, it’s their excitement in this moment that makes Bartimaeus do something extraordinary. The desperation in his heart came out in his voice, in his words, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” You’ve heard that phrase, ‘Desperate times require desperate measures’, a phrase credited to Hippocrates around 300 BC. Even devoted believers panic when the Lord doesn't move according He is calling for you.” Jesus demonstrates His mercy through the people He commands and today that group of people is called His church. View more → STAND STILL. Here is a blind beggar being led to Him and the need seems to be glaringly obvious. I. The longest he has ever held one pose was two and a half hours. It was the faith that persistently called to Jesus for mercy, it was the faith to throw aside his ragged old cloak that had made him so invisible for all these years, it was the faith to walk right up to Jesus and it was the faith to ask Jesus for life. But the point is clear, Jesus demonstrates His mercy but commanding people to love mercy and they become merciful. That’s where we first meet Bartimaeus, sitting in the dust beside the road that led from Jericho to Jerusalem. Is it breath taking beauty, is it a near miss, is it seeing the miraculous? The only answer I can think of as to why Jesus asks this of Bartimaeus is so that Bartimaeus would ask to receive his sight. Twice he has won the World Championship of Living Statues. To stand still means something or someone has caught your attention, something is about to happen. You can find it in 2Samuel 7:12,13, “When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. The truth is he was already utterly defeated at the cross; you only need to enforce that victory. What we do struggle with the most is to love mercy. Look at verse 51, “So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.” It seems like a redundant question doesn’t it. Ask, ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened, or in this case, your eyes will be opened. III. The Son of David, the eternal King, He could utterly change him. Proposition: A bent reed He will not break. This morning we are going to look at a time when Jesus stood still, when God the Father had caught His attention because someone had caught the Fathers attention. When Jesus stands still He is careful to listen and is moved by the heart that is desperate for mercy. We offer 30,000+ outlines and 10,000+ free sermon illustrations from top Christian pastors and communicators. And it was this cry that the Father heard, that prompted Him to whisper to Jesus, ‘Stop’! II. God Uses Desperation to Sharpen Humility in Prayer. What makes you stand still? When Jesus Stood Still Faith Moved and Eyes Saw. It is totally against our nature as human beings to stand still and do nothing when we face perplexing trials. That’s where Jesus and the disciples and the great crowd that followed Him were, down in the dust and desert of Jericho.


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