We were sinners, but, nevertheless, God loved us in our degradation, in our ruin. Robinson, D. D.)The love of God commendedW. may be replied that we see that God loves us in that He supplies our outward wants, and those pleasures which make life tolerable. Brotchie.I. "When one that holds communion with the skiesHas filled his urn where those pure waters rise,And once more mingles with us meaner things,Tis e'en as if an angel shook his wings;Immortal fragrance fills the circuit wideThat tells us whence his treasures are supplied? pastors this last week. That God has love FOR SINNERS. The question is — "how is the First Person of the Blessed Trinity described in reference to man's salvation? H. Spurgeon.God's commendation of His love is not in words, but in deeds. Here is the greatest of all commendations of the Divine lore. Though Christ died for sinners, it was that they might repent, believe, and be saved.3. But in order to make such a revelation of Himself, God would first of all have to contravene the fundamental principles of His government. McHardy, M. A.There have been many momentous events in history which have revolutionised society, and opened new paths of effort. I do not know how I found my way home. The God did not spare His own Son, but freely delivered Him up as a victim in our stead, and called upon justice to make Him a sacrifice for us. God’s love is not what most people think it is. How it must have grieved the Father to think of his own holy, innocent Son, being buffeted and scourged and crucified by the hands of wicked men, in the frenzy of their passion and hatred! Early friendships and associations cling to us in after life, and have something in them which new ties cannot supply. to mischief. His wrath is but love uprooting and consuming whatever obstructs the happiness of His creation. There are influences abroad which seem to baffle this deep yearning. Spared Him nothing that was necessary to save a lost world; i.e., God gave all He could to commend His love. "And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement" (ver. If the inhabitants of this town were to be saved by some act of heroic self-sacrifice on your part, what is there — you that are a mother — that you would not propose to give up before your own dearly loved child? But in order to make such a revelation of Himself, God would first of all have to contravene the fundamental principles of His government. So the proof that God cares for us is placed beyond a doubt; the "unspeakable gift" of His Son to be our Saviour should melt any dark suspicion to the contrary from our hearts.(W. Ancientness clothes love with a peculiar tenderness. Three more stragglers came from the street. When you find that verse, If God had pleased, He might have crushed this nest of rebels, and have made another world all holy. a subject almost no one knows anything about. Gods love to you to study more thoroughly, I will provide for you Thomas, D. D.)God's unparalleled loveJ. If God really loves him, is not that enough? He died a terrible death, the death of a criminal, a torturous and dishonourable death. Of this we have an illustration in Romans 1:21-23. Beddome, M. A.Several considerations tend to enhance the greatness of the love of God towards us —I. This is one of the great texts of the Bible, much like John 3:16. Lyth, D. D.I. Perhaps it will suggest itself that God has only to reveal Himself to us, leaving us no longer in any degree of uncertainty about His relations with us. ", 3. It is impossible now to doubt the Divine purpose to free the soul from the thraldom of evil.III. O mighty Love, Thou hast won my poor heart! FOR HIS GREAT LOVE WHEREWITH HE LOVED US,". ", ANOTHER WRITES: "I STAND AMAZED IN THE PRESENCE Oh, wondrous love of the Parent of my soul, "the God of my life," bending over the thought of my being! For God to love once is for God to love always (Jeremiah 31:3). It The gospel is the religion of sinners, the only one that can afford relief to the troubled conscience.2. He knows — what we only find out by bitter experience — that every wrong thing limits our capacity for present enjoyment, lowers and spoils the quality of our enjoyment, and breeds more evil. His love is like a path of golden sunlight across the dark valley. THE BEST THING COMMENDED. We are freed from all guilt.IV. )Self-sacrificing loveEllen Wonnacott.That young sailor who, when the last place in the lifeboat was offered him, drew back, saying, "Save my mate here, for he has a wife and children," and went down himself with the sinking ship; that brave soldier who, in the moment of deadly peril, threw himself in front of his old master's son and fell dead with a smile upon his lips, the fatal bullet in his heart; that poor outcast woman, out in the wild winter night, who wrapped her baby in her own scanty dress and shawl, and patiently lay down in the snow to die, saving her child's life at the cost of her own; the pilot dying at his post on the burning steamer; the Russian servant casting himself among the wolves to save his master; the poor child dying in a New York garret with the pathetic words, "I'm glad I am going to die, because now my brothers and sisters will have enough to eat" — these, and hundreds of true hearts like these, proclaim with the clearness of a voice from heaven, "'The hand that made us is Divine'; and in our Father's heart are higher heights of love, deeper depths of pity and self-sacrifice. Ancientness clothes love with a peculiar tenderness. His wrath is but love uprooting and consuming whatever obstructs the happiness of His creation.II. THE GREATNESS OF DIVINE LOVE. A right knowledge of the true God lies at the root of true religion (John 17:3). Not God's wisdom, power, holiness, or wealth, but His love, unsolicited, unmerited, free, unparalleled, towards us, the most undeserving of His creatures.II. His wrath is but love uprooting and consuming whatever obstructs the happiness of His creation.II. It is impossible now to doubt the Divine purpose to free the soul from the thraldom of evil.III. For Christ's great love to us in dying for us, we should love Him —1. Love is estimated by sacrifice, and heightened by the unworthiness of those for whom the outlay is made. Ungodly. Have you received Him as your Savior? It is no longer possible that God can be careless of our well-being or indifferent to our happiness, when to secure these He gave His own Son to die.2. 9. Here I see that love has provided not merely for my pardon — mercy might have done that; but for my regeneration — for a change so complete and radical as to constitute me a new creature. actually means to place in the right light for full acceptance. We attempt not to examine too nicely into the awful matter of the Mediator's sufferings, suffice it that there is not one amongst us who was not a direct contributor to that weight of sorrow which seemed for a time to confound Him and to crush Him.II.
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