Worried students won’t find their mistakes? Just create a page of directions with space for students to write the examples they find in their reading. This resource contains two of my favorite review grammar games: Truth or Dare and Grammar Dice Game Boards. That student passes the stack to the next person, who puts the example on the bottom of the pile and writes the grammar term he or she thinks best applies to the example written by the previous student. How to Get Started with Sketchnotes in the... 12 Powerful Discussion Strategies to Engage Students, How to Create Classroom Norms with Students. encourage inquiry? If your students need to revise and edit their writing, integrate grammar. Mentor sentences aren’t the only way to get students implementing grammar skills in writing. In my free time, I enjoy loving on my kids, deconstructing sentences, analyzing literature, making learning fun, working out, and drinking a good cup of coffee. The Most Important Key to Supporting Struggling Writers. Exploring perspectives will give you insight as to whether they are confused or if the examples do have multiple acceptable concepts associated with them. Simple Ways to Make Teaching Writing Online More... 12 Ways to Build a Virtual Classroom Community. Here are a few grammar activities from Language Arts Classroom. I create game boards to build in previous concepts so that students are not only reviewing current skills but also spiraling back to previously taught concepts. If the end concept is different than the beginning, ask students to talk about why. Key concepts including speech, vocabulary, phrases, clauses, types of sentences, punctuation, and proofreading and editing. For example, you might ask students to find a sentence that uses an attribution tag with correct punctuation. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. As the mailman approached, the dog barked. You have to identify the missing punctuation mark in the given options, and click on it to win the race. Then, several exercises follow. for the Rules of Punctuation Below are some practice exercises for the rules of punctuation in English. Your student will have a blast exploring some of the most common ways to use commas, adding transition words to complete a story, and mastering the infamous apostrophe to make both a possessive and contraction. The goal is to finish the game and have the original grammar concept emerge. Each student’s progress can be individually tracked and reported using LiteracyPlanet software and overall progress will soon follow, with schools already using LiteracyPlanet achieving scores 6 -14% higher than the average for the grammar component of their standardised literacy assessments. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. So. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Copyright ©1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. This is an easy-to-navigate, interactive grammar site covering a wide range of grammatical concepts and sentence structure issues (from pronoun case to run-ons to word choice) relevant to every college student from developmental to college-level. Dash, Slash, Ellipses, Brackets – Practice Exercises. Parts of Speech – Practice Exercises Play fun grammar games with your students in the classroom to solidify the concepts taught in class. For example, let’s say the original sentence we give students is The dog barked. Give awards for the strongest sentence. They usually enjoy adding a little flair to parts of speech and types of sentences, for instance. To…reinforce content? No talking allowed! To learn more about how LiteracyPlanet can improve your students' grammar and punctuation, Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Dice games can also be differentiated by student readiness levels. Copyright ©1995-2020 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Intrepica and LiteracyPlanet are trademarks owned by Intrepica Pty Ltd (ABN 44 128 896 980). For example, you might ask students to find a sentence that uses an attribution tag with correct punctuation. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. Download this grammar revision Connect 4 game. Teachers created these grammar games to cover parts of speech, sentence structure & more. In this game, you are given an incomplete sentence at the bottom screen. manipulate language? Put together a game board with the skills you want students to focus on. But they can be a difficult subject for teachers to make engaging for their students. This game can easily be used with sample writing pieces as well. I'm passionate about teaching and learning. (See below – the example also includes a connection sketch.). Set a timer and give each group who finds an example a point (in the game, not the grade book). Punctuation … Conversely, Dare prompts might be harder questions or silly challenges. All rights reserved. They govern word composition, phrases and clauses, as well as syntax, the rules, principles and word order. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of, Count and Noncount Nouns Exercise 1 Answers, Count and Noncount Nouns Exercise 2 Answers, Count and Noncount Nouns Exercise 3 Answers, Count and Noncount Nouns Exercise 4 Answers, Count and Noncount Nouns Exercise 5 Answers, Prepositions of Direction Exercise Answers, Commas vs. Semicolons - Compound Sentences, Commas vs. Semicolons - Compound Sentences Answers, -ible and -able Spelling Exercise 1 Answers, -ible and -able Spelling Exercise 2 Answers, Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses Exercise, Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses Exercise Answers, Run-ons, Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences, Run-ons, Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences Answers, Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise Answers, Basic-level Paraphrase and Summary Writing, Basic-level Paraphrase and Summary Writing Answers, Intermediate Paraphrase Exercises Answers, Nominalizations and Subject Position Index, Nominalizations and Subject Position 1 Answers, Nominalizations and Subject Position 2 Answers. Subscribe to my mailing list for new blog posts, teaching resources, & inspiration. What is the takeaway? Teachers can guide this activity to keep the class well paced. Then, we might tell students to add adverbs for description. To learn more about how LiteracyPlanet can improve your students' grammar and punctuation, click here for an obligation-free demonstration. Grammar and punctuation skills are a foundation for effective communication and a valuable tool for every aspect of life. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Teachers can review grammar throughout the year to solidify understanding, to build confidence, to scaffold learning, and to engage students. Maybe mentor sentences are one of their side dishes, and games are another. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Punctuation Speed Check is a punctuations game for young students to test and build their knowledge of punctuation marks. They govern word composition, phrases and clauses, as well as syntax, the rules, principles and word order. Grammar and punctuation skills are a foundation for effective, clear communication, and a valuable tool for every aspect of life. In each lesson, an explanation is given. If you picture designing a grammar lesson like creating a menu, games and activities are like the side dishes. As an instructional coach, I'm always asking questions, trying new things, and reflecting. Parentheses – Practice Exercises. We will treat your information with respect. We can then ask students to build on to that sentence, one grammar concept at a time. However, grammar review does not always have to necessitate worksheets. Free online punctuation lessons and exercises. To learn more about how LiteracyPlanet can improve your students' grammar and punctuation, click here for an obligation-free demonstration. I use two different versions of this Grammar Truth or Dare game: one for students who are more reserved and another for those who enjoy being goofy. Example: Explain the debate about the Oxford comma. See how well you understand the rules. Schools using LiteracyPlanet achieved scores 6-14% higher than the average for the grammar component of their standardized literacy assessment. The second student reads the paper, puts it on the bottom of the pile, and writes an example on the next clean paper.
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