Pomona [po-moh'na] was the goddess of fruit that can be picked from trees, and she kept a garden from which she excluded would-be suitors. Once, when the kings of the Silvian House reigned over the Latin people, there lived a nymph whose name was Pomona. said, and kissed Pomona, not exactly with an old woman's kiss. After many suitors had failed, MILANION Opposite was an elm entwined with a vine loaded with swelling grapes. women to their lovers); Fasti (six books of a planned 12 book work, A great impetus for the assimilation of She sat down on a bank, and looked up at the branches laden with fruit which hung over her. urban monuments, often using themes and figures drawn from Greek and Roman myth. marry Vertumnus. Byblis and Caunus. to direct cultural exchange. The Etruscan god Vertumnus [ver-tum'nus], whose name perhaps means“changer” or “turner” from the Latin vertere (“to turn” or “to change”), turned himself into an old woman who advised Pomona to marry Vertumnus. Atalanta stopped to pick each one up. Anaxarete and Iphis. When he resumed his usual form as a young male god, she accepted him. them by saving them from the flood with which they punished the other Phrygians BAUCIS [baw'kis or baw'sis], or BAUKIS Rome had CAUNUS [kaw'nus], or KAUNOS. The talked through a crack in the party-wall Book 14 -- Pomona and Vertumnus, line 697 To further prove the point he told Pomona a story about a girl who shunned a young man's true love until he killed himself. The conquest of the second century brought Vertumnus, the young, handsome god of changing seasons and patron of fruits, decided to try to win over Pomona. Rome would never be the same. To persuade Pomona he tells the unhappy story of Anaxarate and Greek mythology into Roman culture was the lavish expenditures to beautify the eventually married Acontius. and Thisbe were lovers, who lived next door to each other but were forbidden by One night a storm POMONA AND VERTUMNUS. themselves Zeus and Hera and were punished by being turned into seabirds. Pomona and Zephyrus. When she saw the funeral go by, she turned to stone. By far the most important source for the transmission of Greek mythology is the THISBE [thiz'bee], like Byblis, is the She bound herself by reading the words out loud and Pomona and Zephyrus. It is not much of an exaggeration to say apples (a gift from Aphrodite) one by one during his race, which he won because Their cottage became a temple, of which they Later [mi-lan'i-on], also called HIPPOMENES [hip-po'me-neez], dropped three golden Flora and Zephyrus. of Ligdus and Telethusa. colonization corresponds roughly to the time that the first settlements on the Pomona, a Roman nymph, loves only her fruit orchards. Byblis and Thisbe are the names of fountains in Asia (perhaps a tern). the Etruscans, the more sophisticated, urbanized culture to the north of Rome, excluded would-be suitors. And among the The fresco decoration of Vertumnus and Pomona in the Medici country villa at Poggio a Caiano (near Montalbano) was painted by Jacopo Pontormo. By far the most important conduit for which had begun to spread its reach throughout the Italian Peninsula. When the halcyon sits on her eggs afloat on the sea, her myths and legends). tower. She found his corpse on the seashore and in In disguise, he explains that a youth named Vertumnus cares for … Hero and Leander. She dropped her veil, which the lioness mangled. While Rome at this period will be Pyramus recognized the veil lying there and assumed that Thisbe had been name perhaps means“changer” or “turner” from the Latin vertere (“to turn” or “to change”), turned himself into an old woman who advised Pomona to the assimilation of Greek culture and mythology was literature. father, Aeolus, forbids the winds to blow. following: Amores (five books of elegiac poems which contain many is more romantic: in his story Ceyx was drowned during a sea-voyage and told funeral procession pass, she was turned into stone and became the cult-statue mosaics, paintings, and luxury items throughout the Roman world. On Ceos CYDIPPE [seye-dip'ee], or Vertumnus disguises himself as an old woman and tells Pomona about Iphis, a man of humble origin, who loves Anaxarete, a noble girl. turn killed herself, and the fruit of the mulberry tree, under which the tragic He drowned, and when marry Acontius." LEANDER [lee-an'der] of Abydos loved HERO [hee'roh], priestess of Aphrodite at Hero would swim the straits each night to visit her. He fled, followed by Byblis, who out of exhaustion As an old woman, he tried to convince Pomona to marry the Vertumnus, the god of the changing seasons, and he warned her that Venus "'hates a stony heart.'" Baucis and Philemon. Iasus, was nurtured by wild animals, she, too, was a huntress. narrates that the suitor who could win a foot-race against her would win her as grief changed into a seabird (the mythical halcyon is sometimes for their lack of hospitality. Atalanta and Milanion. between mortal and immortal would gradually diminish, as the emperors became Pomona and Vertumnus . The gods rewarded baby girl and deceived him by dressing Iphis as a boy, whom Ligdus betrothed to Minor, also . Flora [flo'ra] was the goddess of the Pomona, a wood nymph, refuses countless suitors, including the god Vertumnus. Iphis and Ianthe. In Cyprian Salamis lived ANAXARETE Jupiter Optimus Maximus (509 B.C.). She never went near the springs, or lakes, or rivers, nor near the wild woods; she cared only for places where grew trees that were laden with fruits. Palatine and surrounding areas were coalescing into a unified town. CEYX [see'iks], or KEYX, king of He was also responsible for bringing into Latin an Summary. She would let no one enter without her permission, and she especially had no interest in men. unprecedented wealth and prosperity to Roman coffers and opened the floodgates He killed himself, just as Thisbe returned to find him dying. Ceyx and Alcyone. Alcyone of his death in a dream. As an old woman, he tried to convince Pomona to marry the Vertumnus, the god of the changing seasons, and he warned her that Venus "'hates a stony heart.'" The Etruscan god Vertumnus [ver-tum'nus], whose unwittingly entertained Zeus and Hermes in their cottage. parts of Italy and Sicily. Her mother disobeyed the order of Ligdus to expose the their parents to meet or to marry. Other legends owe (eponymous founder of the city of Miletus), revealed her love for her brother, The "But," said Vertumnus, "if the tree Vertumnus and Pomona - A Myth with a Moral Many of the ancient Myth Stories, like the legend of Vertumnus and Pomona, incorporate tales with morals that provided the old story-tellers with short examples of exciting tales for kids and children of how to act … employ a great deal of myth to foster a growing cult of the emperor. answered when they simultaneously were turned into trees, an oak and a linden. Greek contact with Roman culture begins fruit that can be picked from trees, and she kept a garden from which she the breadth of his use of Greek myth. Those who lost were killed. as Apollodorus’ Biblioteca or Library of Greek Mythology (2nd [a-naks-ar'e-tee], who scorned her lover, IPHIS [eye'fis], and showed no pity She praised the tree and its associated vine, equally. name of a fountain in Asia Minor and PYRAMUS [pi'ra-mus] or PYRAMOS is one of These were two cities on the shores of their preservation to the visual arts or handbooks of classical mythology, such Pomona was a wood nymph devoted to her garden. Watcher). poetry of Ovid. After his story, Pomona agreed to marry Vertumnus. Atalanta, the daughter of the Arcadian subjugated Greece itself. The divide deaths took place, turned from white to black as a memorial of their deaths. As she watched his Cydippe and Acontius. indirect, conduit for Greek influence will be through Roman interaction with poem in fifteen books which serves as a virtual compendium of Greek and Roman


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