The E3K photoelectric sensor is a staple for garage, gate and door opening/closing applications. 0000007723 00000 n
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It is typically used as a presence/absence sensor to initiate door opening or to prevent destructive door closure. 0000048691 00000 n
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E3S-CL Distance-settable photoelectric sensor in metal housing. v*'�����BW^�� ��}�k�݆�~���(�1�t��ǝa��y��o�'Ѥ$>fu Ե�b���3�?Id�69�����>�E���s�E�b��" u��bS٭ Please note some product models not sold in Australia may be included in the following manual(s) for our global customers. 0000005540 00000 n
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Photoelectric Sensors Omron 1846 OMRON Photoelectric Sensors OMRON E3S-C SERIES: LONG RANGE METAL BODY PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR Specifications: • Supply voltage: 10-30 VDC • Response time: CDx12 - 2 ms max. 0000047337 00000 n
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Share. Please note some product models not sold in Australia may be included in the following manual(s) for our global customers. +1 (800) 556-6766 Datasheet Export Information. 24 to 240 vac or vdc reflector type photo eye, Distance-setting photoelectric sensor (6 pages), Photoelectric photoelectric sensor (66 pages), Photoelectric sensors with separate digital amplifiers (laser-type amplifier units) (17 pages), Cylindrical photoelectric sensors in m18 plastic or brass housings (16 pages), Cylindrical photoelectric sensor with built-in power supply in m18 housing (8 pages), Cylindrical photoelectric sensor in m18 stainless steel housing (12 pages), Easy mounting photoelectric sensor in short m18 housing (17 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Accessories OMRON E3NT-L Operation Manual, Accessories OMRON E3NT-R Operation Manual, Accessories Omron E3X-MDA Series Instruction Sheet, Accessories OMRON E3C-LDA - DATASHEET 3 Datasheet. *It is recommended to select “Save” from the right-click due to large size of manual PDF data. E3Z Laser LASER sensor in compact plastic housing. trailer
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