The Manager told him that the visitor might be allowed to come in. Comma and inverted commas are removed using the word 'to'. CLOZE TEST - FILL IN THE BLANKS - PARAGRAPHS. RBI GradeB (Officer).Exam. Saying so he flew away. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on my articles directly. Now we will change the Narration of Imperative Sentences. She requested him not to waste her time. Do not make a haste. Direct and Indirect Narration. she said further. Papers. As a result of this, imperative sentences begin with a verb in the simple present tense. Paragraph--Rearrangement of Jumbled Sentences to make a Meaningful Paragraph --Exercise Based on Questions of Previous years' Examinations. Anagram --- Definition, Meaning & Explanation with Examples. Go and take rest as it is very hot outside. He said to them," Let us not quarrel with each other.". Saying so he flew away. The teacher ordered the boys not to make a noise. This exercise may help you in judging your preparation of Direct and Indirect Speech with Exclamatory Sentences. contained in the reported speech. The teacher ordered the boys to leave His father said to John, “Work hard lest you should fail.”. CLOZE TEST(5) -- PARAGRAPHS - FILL IN THE BLANKS - EXPLANATION TIPS EXERCISES WITH SOLUTION AND EXPLANATION. Competitive Examination Questions Exercises with solution and explanation. 1) My mother told me not to go tO the Park. The nurse told the visitors to let the patient take rest for some time then. The words ‘said to’ in the The subject 'You' is always implied. c.My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he wasn’t hungry. Same word used as different parts of Speech -- New, ---Different types of verbs and their usage with examples. He suggested to his wife that they should go for shopping. Coma and inverted commas are replaced by the word ‘that’. The teacher said to the boys,“Do not make a noise.”. In such cases, the reported speech The teacher said to him," Do not waste your time.". etc. ----Meaning & their usage with examples ---sentences using phrasal verbs. ", He said to one of the students,"Stand up and read out the lesson to all the students in the class." ", She said to him,"Go and enjoy yourself as I shall not go anywhere at this time. He requested them to listen to him carefully and forbade them to interrupt him while he was speaking. Click here all Rules of Narration. She advised him further not to go on harping on his point. She said to him, "Do not make a noise here as my children will get scared." She ordered him to go and enjoy himself as she would not go anywhere at that time. ", He said to her, "Let me help you finish your work.". If either of subject or object in reporting speech is first person, the words ‘we should’ are used and if these are in third person, the words ‘they should’ are used. ", One of the students said to him," Please explain the lesson in brief to us before you start teaching. He told her to let him help her finish her work. Thanks for pointing this out :) I have corrected the typing mistake. The old man said to the boys, “Please do not disturb me.”. The blog-writer does not take any responsibility of the same. I hope it is helpful, Haryana GK & Current Affairs - HSSC HTET Exams, Bihar GK - General Knowledge & Current Affairs, English Grammar Practice Set/ Paper - Check your Preparation, Grammar Practice Set for all School and College Students, Hindi Practice Set for HSSC Recruitment Exams - Paper 1, Questions on Profit and Loss - Maths Practice Set, Maths Paper for HSSC, SSC, Bank Exams - Paper 2, English Practice Set - 4 for Clerk , Officer exams, Practice Set for Conjunction - Set 1 for Competitions, Translation Practice Set of Useful Sentences - From English to Hindi, Famous English Quotations - Thought for the Day, Success Mantra - Golden Steps for 100% Success - Do Read, Swami Vivekananda's Famous Quotes/ Thoughts, Climate Change / Global Warming / Environment Pollution, Child Development & Pedagogy Paper for CTET, HTET, General Knowledge and Current Affairs for Exams, Maths ( Quantitative Aptitude ) Mock Test for Upcoming Exams, World Famous Inventors and their Inventions, One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exams, Important Abbreviations and their Full Forms, How to Score Above 90% Marks in Board Exams, Learn Common Errors for SSC, Banking, Railways Exams, Most Expected Questions for Upcoming Interviews, How to Prepare for SSC, Banking Maths ? ", He said to her, "Let us go to the bank of the river and sit on a tree there. We have also provided the solution at the end of the exercise. The teacher advised him not to waste his time. Interrogative Sentences. NARRATION ---EXCLAMATORY AND OPTATIVE SENTENCES -- Change from Direct to Indirect speech ----Explanation with Examples, NARRATION --- INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES -- CHANGE FROM DIRECT TO INDIRECT SPEECH, NARRATION - IMPERATIVE SENTENCES CHANGE FROM DIRECT TO INDIRECT FORMS, CHANGE THE VOICE --ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE - IMPERATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES, SENTENCES WITH TWO OBJECTS CONTD. As the reported speech contains a request, the words ‘said to’ in the reporting speech are changed into 'requested'. 'Leave', being the first form of verb, shows the 'order' mood of the sentence. ", The teacher said to them," Let me explain the importance of this lesson to you first. Verb in the reporting speech is changed according to the mood of the reported sentence. Exercises of Narration & Practice with Explanation: “I’ll have a cup of tea,” my father said, “because I’m not hungry.” a.My father said that he will have a cup of tea because he wasn’t hungry. A crow said to a hen," Please sing a song for me as you sing very sweet songs. Change the Voice --Active Voice & Passive voice. She ordered him to go and do some work. In such sentences ‘said to’ is changed into ‘requested’ and inverted commas into 'to' but it is preceded by 'not'. Please listen to me carefully. "Do not go on harping on your point. Recommended Post - Exercises based on the use of Imperative Sentences - Direct and Indirect Narration. Sequence of tenses - Errors correction (2), List of Words Misused in English for Alphabet A, List of Words Misused in English for Alphabet A - Continued, List of Words Misused in English for Alphabet B, List of Words Misused in English for Alphabet C, List of Words Misused in English For Alphabet D, Different types of Pronouns and Rules to use Pronouns, Word Meanings - List of words - Alphabets A to C. Exercises - Usage of Phrasal Verbs based on questions from examination Q. In my next blog, I will come up with new topic of grammar. These sentences are attempted in another way also as follows: The words “said to” are replaced by “told” and ,“ ” by that and words “ might be allowed to" after the subject are used in Indirect form of speech. Verb in the reporting speech is Forbade is itself a negative word. NARRATION -----Change of Different types of sentences from Direct speech into Indirect speech -----Assertive Sentences There are two different ways of expressing things. Assertive Sentences Part 1. 2) My mother asked me not to go to the park. She advised him to go and take rest as it was very hot outside. Rudra advised Kinjal not to take tea at night. The words ‘Let us’ are replaced with the words ‘we should or they should’ according to subject and object in the reporting speech. First a statement given by the speaker himself and the second the same statement conveyed by another person to someone. It gives a deep insight of all like sentences like assertive sentence, interrogative, imperative sentences, exclamatory as well as optative sentence. The host requested the guests not to stand on ceremony. In these sentences 'Do not' in the reported speech is removed and in place of inverted commas 'not to ' is used. For a negative sentence 'Do not' in the reported speech is removed and in place of inverted commas 'not to ' is used. held on 31-10-2015, Different Parts of Speech -- PREPOSITION(2). The passenger said to the tte. Paragraphs - Rearrangement of Jumbled Sentences or Groups of Sentences to Make a Meaningful Combination of them. Now we will change the Narration of Imperative Sentences. My teacher told me to stop being naughty and finish my work. If there is the sense of Request, we will change said to into - requested. Sir plz tell me which indirect speech is right. CLOZE TEST -- PARAGRAPHS - FILL IN THE BLANKS - EXPLANATION TIPS EXERCISES WITH SOLUTION AND EXPLANATION. Coma and inverted commas are replaced by the word 'to'. Transformation of Sentences--- Assertive,Exclamatory and Interrogative, Conjunction ----- Meaning . Rule No 1 - The Reporting verb will be changed as per the sense contained in the Reported Speech. He advised the other students in the class to listen to him carefully and forbade them to disturb him when he was reading. In Imperative sentences, reported speech contains a command, order, request, advice or proposal etc. The policeman ordered that the man should go, Exercises based on the use of Imperative Sentences - Direct and Indirect Narration, Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite) - Hindi to English Translation, Present Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation, Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation, Future Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, Present Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, IELTS Speaking on a 3-day holiday you enjoyed.
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