The Nagami Kumquat. Container Grown Kumquat Trees. Centennial variegated kumquat tree is a mutation of the Nagami kumquat tree. Considered better quality, with a much greater proportion of juicy flesh and a thinner peel. The Meiwa. The fruit can be eaten whole and fresh from the tree. Bright creamy yellow variegated foliage, on a thornless tree. This is a hybrid of Marumi and Nagami. Planting Kumquats by Seed. Planting by seed isn’t the best route. The fruit is sweet with both the skin and flesh tasting sweet and is commonly known as the sweet kumquat. The Nagami kumquat (Fortunella margarita) is one of the more frost-tolerant of the dwarf kumquat trees. Nagami is the most popular type of kumquat available and has deep-orange, oval fruit with 2-5 seeds per kumquat. The larger round Meiwa, or “the sweet kumquat,’ is less tart than Nagami with a sweeter pulp and juice, and is nearly seedless. Either variety will do well as a container grown kumquat. Pick a healthy kumquat fruit in the fall. Kumquat Trees Growing One of the most natural things about a kumquat tree is that they are self-pollinating, so you do not need to grow multiple trees; one will be enough. A variegated kumquat with great cold hardiness. One beautiful tree that caught my eye in a nearby front yard was this Nagami cumquat or kumquat (pictured), dripping with fruit, and happily growing in a big container. It’s a laborious process, and the resulting tree may be weak or thin. One thing I must get straight for the records is that the Nagami cumquat is not a true citrus. Still, it can be a fun project to see if you can create a new tree. The spring is going to be the ideal time to start planting a new tree from seed, … In order to separate the seeds from the flesh, place the peeled kumquat in a glass of water.
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