I watch our wedding DVD all the time, I had it taken from a Cine Reel. I wish us both strength and light. I feel disenfranchised in my grief within my family because Mother was 89 years old, I was 64 years old when she died, and my grief seems “foolish” because she was as old as she was and I was certainly not young…losing a parent in one’s senior years is not understood or valued. By no means have I ever forgotten him for a second and I even still speak to him in the privacy of my home or in the car. I wouldn’t talk to anyone in my family about it as it was too painful and so I started using anything that would ease my pain . It’s just not worth it. All around you are people who are lonely or fearful or facing uncertainty; ask God to help you be a friend to them. We were married for 31 years and I miss her so much. I am alone and I am so alone. She had been suffering for years, not just from the cancer but from the treatment as well. It’s the only thing I can offer. God bless everyone who is hurting over the loss in their lives. I have not met anyone who can understand the loneliness I feel. That “thud” continues in unexpected places. Would not to even consider dating again - just miss him so much. I met him when I was 17, he was 20. Yours is. His world had slowly been disappearing, the family business was sold due to his Dad’s illness, then his Dad died and his Mom became ill a few years later. It hurts so bad and I will never understand this and never be “ok” with this. I’m so sorry for all of your loses .prayers go out to you all. But we CAN get through it and we need to help each other along the way. What we had was something that just was. I have half siblings where I’m only closest with one. We met ten years ago at a sci-fi club while I was recovering from a mental breakdown in my twenties, got together two years later after making friends, and then married three years ago. With all the ups and downs, but, there it was! A few days before my wife’s death, she told me to go and find the next Mrs O and I feel I need to find someone to help with me loneliness, but I don’t feel like I want to find someone to love, more like companionship (which must seem strange for a 46 year old man to say) My question to you all is, should I even look for someone to fill this void in my life without me thinking it will turn into love and how long should I be waiting ? Still can't find joy in anything or anybody. My mum comes over all the time but to be honest she just gets on my nerves with all her fussing and she doesnt listen when i ask her not to do jobs round my house as it takes thing that keep me busy away from me. I hate the climate but family is here. Absolutely devastating. One morning, 4 days after his death, I saw activity in the cemetery. I truthfully don’t believe I ever will feel whole again. Hello, I recently lost my mum 3 days ago and had to put our dog to sleep yesterday due to a long-term illness. And these symptoms can appear in far too many different ways to be easily classified. I long for him every minute of My waking hours. She died at 58 from cancer. Every day is a struggle. Yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. Is is like I have also died but the pain will not leave. Whenever I can afford it, I make donations to his church. I know I have to find my purpose and start my life over. All 3 were were my best friends. I would create something that they could watch when they were old enough, so they could meet and know their grandma at least a little. Later, I understood the little machine thought it had slipped off the finger since it couldn’t read a pulse. Thank God, not drugs but with But l am only 61 years young , very strong , very active…… but after 6 years 6 months 12 days I still have that emptiness , loneliness , not knowing what to do. We were married 34 years and dated for 3 years. It has been like losing not only I hear you so well. You can find out more about how to start your own discussion here. I feel numb and weird he was 37 I am 30 and 33 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child. I feel like I was hit by a mack truck, still cannot believe he is gone. And I’m sorry there are no answers. Eileen Rennie August 3, 2016 at 3:56 am Reply. Benn married 56 yrs and dated my husband since Jr hi before that I can’t seem to find a happy medium and comfort on a daily basis. It’s only gotten harder as time has gone on, Tarryn Hendricks November 13, 2019 at 4:15 pm Reply, Hey Carl, I know that exact feeling….when you don’t have a purpose or motivation to even live life.
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