June and July appear to be the peak of the breeding season with most reports of feeding activity (22) evenly split between these two months. Lockwood and Freeman (2004) consider Lark Sparrow a common to uncommon migrant and summer resident in most of Texas. BREEDING HABITAT. • In the Trans-Pecos breeding is more scattered. Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus). Nest: The thick-walled cup-nest is made of grass, twigs, or weedy stems lined with finer materials, and usually placed on ground sheltered by a clump of grass or other vegetation. Another unique Lark Sparrow behavior is the male giving the female a small twig just before copulation. The range of the Lark Sparrow is about 5.5 million square kilometers. Univ. Habitat. 2004). Elsewhere in the state it is found in heavily grazed pastures, cultivated and fallow fields with brushy edges, and clearcuts planted in pines. The BBS trend for Texas is disturbing for the future of this widespread breeding bird in Texas; especially since the BBS distribution map suggests Texas contains an even higher proportion of the North American breeding population than is suggested by the ratio of Texas BBS routes reporting Lark Sparrows to the survey total. Abundance data from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes indicate the species is most common in breeding season in the northern Panhandle, Rolling Plains, Edwards Plateau and South Texas Brush Country regions. Keith A. Arnold Nestlings typically leave the nest 11-12 days after hatching. Here an average of 10-30 Lark Sparrows were detected per 40 km (25 mi) BBS route in 1994-2003. In Texas Lark Sparrows are year-round residents in much of the state, breeding from early March to early September; egg clutches have been collected from March 30 to August 18. They usually sing in early morning, evening, and occasionally at night. Lark sparrows are very interesting and have several unique traits. Lark Sparrow nests are lined with leaves, rootlets and animal hair. Clutch Size: Ranges from 3 to 6 eggs, with 4 most common. Vesper Sparrow has white only on the edges of its tail, a streaked breast, and lacks the bold facial pattern. DISTRIBUTION. Unlike many songbirds, the Lark Sparrow walks on the ground rather than hops. Males will display their … In The birds of North America, No. Sagebrush Habitat (east vs. west) -- 15 May through 4 June. Texas A&M University e-mail: kaarnold@tamu.edu. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. Nicholson, C. P. 1997. 26–27. The population of the Lark Sparrow is nearing 1 billion individuals. species prefers savannas with scattered mesquite or oak trees and patches of grasses, forbs, cultivated grain and bare ground. Text by Robert C. Tweit (2004). Cassinia. Description: This large sparrow has a bold chestnut, black, and white facial pattern, a white breast with a bold black central spot, a long, rounded tail with white corners (similar to Easter Towhee), and a brown streaked back. Across the United States and Canada, data from 1099 routes produced a trend of -2.9% per year (Sauer et al. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. 2004). The North American Breeding Bird Survey, results and analysis 1966-2003. Lark Sparrows also breed in foothills with oak and juniper, open grasslands and grassy openings in pine woods. Texas A&M University Press, College Station. Your IP: Most likely much Lark Sparrow habitat in California has been lost as grassland has been converted to agriculture (Roberson and Tenney 1993). Habitat: In Middle Tennessee, the Lark Sparrow is primarily found in the limestone cedar glades of Rutherford and Wilson Counties. Trend data from the 166 BBS routes in Texas on which Lark Sparrows were observed show a statistically significant population change of -3.8% per year for the period 1966-2003.
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