I agree about them probably being akin to student grade. I don’t know if you noticed much of a difference, but I think the Daniel Smith painting took about half of the time to paint. Schrijfbreedte: Medium, in Nederland vanaf € 50, België/Duitsland vanaf € 75. I feel that all three can be considered as a go to set that will serve one for many many years. respond quickly to a wet brush, quicker than some other pan paints I have. "use strict";!function(){window.FeedbackCompanyWidgets=window.FeedbackCompanyWidgets||{queue:[],loaders:[]};var options={uuid:"aa6581c3-1939-46fc-8df7-cf2bafe7263e",version:"1.2.1",prefix:""};if(void 0===window.FeedbackCompanyWidget){if(window.FeedbackCompanyWidgets.queue.push(options),!document.getElementById("__fbcw_FeedbackCompanyWidget")){var scriptTag=document.createElement("script");scriptTag.onload=function(){if(window.FeedbackCompanyWidget)for(;0.

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