What ingredients can one expect to find in a can of Spindrift? Both of these flavors are more flavorful than many of their sister flavors. Lime, Lemon and Cucumber are among the most guilt-free varieties, while Blackberry and Grapefruit are highest in calories at 13 and 17 a piece. Like LaCroix, it comes in a can (and tallboys!) Regular water is always going to be the best go-to choice for your health, but if you like a little flavor with your H2O, you could do a lot worse than Spindrift. Dasani Black Cherry Sparkling Water. But is carbonated water good for your teeth? Have you walked down the liquids aisle in a Whole Foods lately? Spindrift Beverage Co. Dr. Zeidel: Yes, carbonated water will hydrate just as well as still water . What’s the Difference Between Seltzer, Club Soda, and Sparkling Mineral Water? and more news to start your day, The Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals Worth Checking Out, A few of our favorite things on sale now and through the weekend, America’s Dive Bars Are Among Those Hit Hardest by Alex Trebek’s Death, The dive tradition of watching ‘Jeopardy!’ over beers and shots will end with Trebek’s final episode on December 25, Come for the Tasting Menu, Come Back for the Bar, Why Bartenders in America Are Turning to Japanese-Style Bartending, The Ultimate Guide to Portland's Iconic Dive Bars, How to Bring Home the Unbearable Coolness of Japanese-Style Listening Bars, These Chefs Are Making Wine Bars Happen in America, Behind the $75 Million in Cocktail Sales at the Cosmopolitan, Cuban Bar Palomar Has Become an Essential Cocktail Destination in Portland, Hammer & Nail Is a Maraschino Cherry-Topped Tribute to Mid-Century Cocktails, Fill Your Punch Bowl With a Crowd-Pleasing Batch Cocktail, If You Liked White Claw, You’ll Love Hard Cold Brew, You Don’t Need to Spend More Than $16 on Wine Glasses, The Kitschy Cocktail Vessels That Make Drinking a Downright Delight, Canned Cocktails Are Actually, Finally Good, The Past, Present, and Future of Big-Ass Drinks, Cool Off With These Six Boozy Adult Milkshakes in Las Vegas, How Carrie Bradshaw, Don Draper, and The Dude Changed Cocktail Culture, Sake Is the Best Choice for Surreptitious Public Drinking, The Charming Sake Cups Restaurants Will Let You Take Home, Skip the Alcohol With These Boozeless Cocktails, Seattle Taprooms Want to Win Over Millennial Drinkers — But Not With Beer, Why Barrel-Aged Beer Season Is Different This Year. Early Specialization vs. Oktoberfest’s Beer-Soaked History, Explained. Per the American Dental Association: "According to available research, sparkling water is generally fine for your teeth—and here's why. Not even a little bit. No, it doesn’t. We’re at peak seltzer here: There are as many bubble brands on the shelves as there are influencers in the infinite scroll of the Instagram Explore tab. Skip the Negroni, Order a Fancy Shot Instead, Low-Waste Cocktails Are the Next Big Thing, Distilling 101: How Whiskey Is Actually Made, Why It’s Time to Take Mint Juleps Seriously, If You’re Making Cocktails, You Should Be Making Your Own Bitters. The freshest news from the food world every day, Sign up for the Maybe, but being thirsty and having no seltzer is even less cool. For comparison, a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola Classic contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. This finding suggests that, even though sparkling water is slightly more acidic than ordinary water, it's all just water to your teeth.". The two forms of water were about the same in their effects on tooth enamel. No matter which variety you pick, the nutrition facts are going to be way better than soda. A Brief History of the Slurpee, a Frozen American Icon, Dudes Love White Claw, So Maybe the Idea of ‘Bitch Beer’ Can Finally Die, How Cow's Milk Went From a Basic Beverage to a Dismissed Drink. Does Spindrift taste good? Spindrift’s flavors taste like the fruits it lists on the can, because it uses just enough real fruit juice to flavor the bubbles without it becoming actual juice. 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Brands like La Croix, Spindrift and Bubly have started to replace popular sodas as the drinks of choice for adults, teens and even children. 2010 in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States. Weekly. The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes, Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice, Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing, A Peloton Bike Probably Won't Get You Your Dream Body. 3 Foods That Belong on Your Shopping List (and 3 That Don't), 5 Healthy Stuffing Recipes for Turkey Day, The Performance Boosting Benefits of Pumpkin, Make Rotisserie Chicken Better With 2 Simple No-Cook Recipes, most 100% fruit juices actually aren't much better, that can lead to a slew of potential health issues, Get Faster for Any Sport With This 12-Week Speed Workout. Because it’s made with real fruit, Spindrift is definitely pricier than LaCroix and most other flavored seltzers on the market. Is drinking sparkling water good for […]. A 12-ounce (375-ml) can of Sprite packs 140 calories and 38 grams of carbs, all of which come from added sugar (1). The Harvey Wallbanger Is the Perfect Brunch Cocktail. It’s not that harmful to dental health, and it seems to have no effect on bone health. Not at all. Does any of the flavored stuff actually taste good? ), but it really does come down to this: Spindrift tastes better. The idea carbonated water significantly enhances your risk of tooth decay can be enough to scare people off beverages like Spindrift, but thankfully, this fear seems to be overblown. | Japanese Whisky Gets a Lot of Hype, but Can One Bottle Really Be the Best? The last thing you want to do is brush them.” Don’t sip all day without food. Quinn Dombrowski / Flickr. It’s not that there is no nutritional difference between Spindrift and erstwhile seltzer starlet LaCroix , or Bubly, or Adirondack, or Polar, or Canada Dry, or whatever zero-calorie, no-sugar, “natural flavored”-flavored brand you prefer; it’s just that there’s no nutritional difference that matters. But all in all, the ingredients lists for Spindrift drinks are encouragingly barren. So you get a cucumber and it really tastes like spa water… but bubbly. So, juice. However, while Spindrift makes use of real fruit juice in their products, they use very small amounts. Lindsey Weber is a writer in Brooklyn and the co-host of a podcast called Who? For comparison, a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola Classic contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. Because home is where you’ve been stockpiling Spindrift this entire time. Why Should You Have to Pay for Soda Water. DRINKS Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. For a 12-ounce can, the calories vary from 1 to 17, and the grams of sugar from 0 to 3. What do you think of Trader Joe’s new seltzer? Carbonated beverage consumption has been linked with diabetes, hypertension, and kidney stones, all risk factors for chronic kidney disease. But as long as you ‘re not going crazy with your sparkling water consumption, the effect on your teeth seems generally negligible overall—especially compared to soda .
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