Respirators are recommended regardless of whether you use water- or oil-based polyurethane. A beginner's question about sanding, stain, and polyurethane for a SMOOTH finish. You can thin polyurethane 50/50 (or even a little more) with mineral spirits to make it easy to wipe. Can this WWII era rheostat be modified to dim an LED bulb? 1) Do you think doing 3-4 coats of Bona Traffic would help with preventing stains? Ray – You don’t need a sealer at all. no stain). My previous installer (who we fired) installed red oak, even though I wanted light modern floors and gave him a sample of white oak. If you want to get a quick-dry, some of the coats have a super-fast drying feature that you can use. kitchen, entryway, family room). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. otherwise, you can attempt to get on your hands and knees and hand sand it (which isn’t very fun). I am still not certain if I will choose to use an oil-based poly or a water-based poly because I will wait until the sample stains are put down on the sanded floor. There are many types and it doesn’t differ based on the poly. Our floors are white oak and have zero stain so these stains are horribly noticeable. So as long as you're happy with the results, there is no need to add another coat. The drying time is notoriously long. [easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”B0079NBSE8″ key=”wide-orange” locale=”US” tag=”hwcoatsofpoly-20″]. (See: How long does it take to refinish your floors? Polyurethane clear coat is thickening to a jelly in the can! Is whatever I see on the internet temporarily present in the RAM? This is the brand we prefer to use when we are doing water based poly. Even though water-based polyurethane finishes are more eco-friendly, they tend to be less durable than oil-based ones. Apply a very light coat of polyurethane … Lower grade water borne polyurethanes amberize more and just don’t look right (not to mention that they are less durable). It does cost more, but it’s worth it. The instructions for finishes are notorious for directing the user to apply more than is strictly necessary. We strongly believe they didn’t use Bona Traffic. Find out how much to use on your hardwood floors. felt pads, vent covers, Hardwood supplies e.g. Why does Slowswift find this remark ironic? But the worst part of all is damage from our pets. Your email address will not be published. But the truth is there’s a simple answer for the number of coats of polyurethane you should use…and I need to dispel a few myths about the durability of water borne polyurethanes, because there are some water based poly brands that are extremely high quality (and just as durable as oil based poly) and there are others that are substantially less durable. There is a wide range of durability among water borne polyurethane brands (and the I highly recommend Bona Traffic HD). Minwax's Wipe-On Poly is also a good choice, though it's more expensive to buy pre-thinned. Water-Based Polyurethane felt pads, doggie socks, Ebook – What to look for when buying a home with hardwood, What are the best brands of polyurethane for hardwood floors. Apply at least 2 coats of polyurethane to your wooden surface. This comes as a surprise to some, but yes, the material costs are higher as it’s more challenging to make a water based poly.that actually adheres and works. I’ve noticed everyone recommends 3 coats of polyurethane (I’m using Polo Plaz semi-gloss on a newly sanded floor). If you ask almost any experienced flooring professional, they will agree. However, the main difference is in the color of the finish. It has a contemporary and upscale look as it doesn’t have the yellow glow that you see in oil based polyurethane. Expect to pay an extra $0.50 – $1.50 per square foot for a water borne poly, pending on the brand used. Ebook – Discover the 6 Secrets to Refinishing Hardwood floors, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Policy. So hopefully, this helps clarify the advantages of water based polyurethane, when it makes sense to use it and the best brands. I am using Minwax fast drying polyurethane clear satin. However, if the area is too big this might not be possible. The condition of your floor will determine how many coats of polyurethane you need to apply for hardwood floors. My husband and I have always been baffled about why our floors feel so rough. This is a huge benefit as yellows tend to be rather dated these days. 3. Please note that some of this site’s links are affiliate links, and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. I am finishing oak trim (casing, baseboards, and quarter round). It has low odor. [easyazon_image align=”right” height=”320″ identifier=”B00793YIEK” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”hwcoatsofpoly-20″ width=”320″][easyazon_link identifier=”B00793YIEK” locale=”US” tag=”hwcoatsofpoly-20″ cart=”n”]Bona Mega[/easyazon_link] is a mid grade water borne polyurethane. It is not necessary. I cannot have a pink master bedroom. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Usually, it is less expensive than the water-based variety.
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