Site Selection. The taller variety 'Bronze Elegans' (Chrysanthemum ‘Bronze Elegans’) grows at least 3 feet tall, has bronze-red flowers and is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9. Are you sure you want to delete your notes for this recipe? This also applies to indoor plants. Still requiring full sunlight during the shorter fall days, the longer nights remind the plant that winter is coming. ProblemsAphids, earwigs, nematodes, capsid bugs, leaf miners, whiteflies, thrips, and spider mites. CareGarden mums need fertile soil and can take light shade, although they grow best in full sun. All Rights Reserved. Though mums can tolerate light shade, they become weak and spindly when they do not get at least six hours of sunlight. Holiday shopping made easy: Call or drop by for a Dabney Nursery Gift Card! Pinching, even when done in the late spring or early summer, will delay flowering by a few weeks. Stop pruning in mid-July to allow all existing stems to set flower buds. After graduating from The Ohio State University, Marissa Baker turned her attention to professional writing. Hardy Chrysanthemums for Fall Color in the Landscape Available September - October. This feature has been temporarily disabled during the beta site preview. To help keep lightly shaded plants compact, pinch 1 inch off the stem tips when the plants reach 6 to 8 inches tall and then again when the new growth is 6 inches tall. Because the hardy mum is a photoperiodic plant, locating it near an artificial light sources can interfere with its bloom cycle. We grow Hardy Garden Mums for Fall that may be enjoyed either in containers or the landscape. Do You Deadhead Mums When the Flowers Die? This last chance for cross-pollination cannot occur if the plant receives too much shade during the day. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Her experience covers a variety of topics, including gardening, landscaping and lawn care equipment. How Long Does It Take for a Mum's Seed to Grow? Chrysanthemum flowers are "photoperiodic" which means they bloom in response to the shorter days and longer nights experienced (in the Northern Hemisphere) in fall. Shaded plants also produce fewer flowers. The lack of optimal photosynthesis on shaded plants culminates in a weaker blooming plant. Plant a hardy variety like our Hardy Mammoth Mums in spring so they have plenty of time for root growth. I got busy and never planted them so I think I have 2 options. There are no guarantees that the everyday mums sold in fall are hardy or will survive their first winter, even if they are marked as hardy. Mums of different colors in the same series will bloom at the same time. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Although mums can handle partial shade, you will get the fullest plants and the best blooms in full sun. Their clusters of flowerheads show over a long period and are available in many colors, including red, orange, yellow, white, and lavender. This will inhibit bud development. A gray would be the perfect choice for this space. of the member-only content library. Plant them in full sun or part shade in the spring and sit back for easy-to-grow, spectacular fall beauty. Photos marked with an asterisk (*) are courtesy of Ball Seed®. They don’t even require any pinching, pruning or deadheading. They are perennial plants that can grow in the garden year-round and are also sold as fall-flowering annuals. Plants can be pinched back in early summer if not used for cutting. When planted in a Mid-South landscape with Full Sun & well drained soil, Garden Mums will perform as perennials. 'Sweet Peg' (Chrysanthemum 'Sweet Peg') is a compact variety which grows 8 to 12 inches tall, has pink flowers and is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. This will allow enough time for the Mum to set numerous healthy buds on a well-branched structure for a Fall display of color. These preferred growing conditions are shared by all varieties of garden mums. Get complete site access to decades of expert advice, regional content, and more, plus the print magazine. The taller variety 'Bronze Elegans' (Chrysanthemum ‘Bronze Elegans’) grows at least 3 feet tall, has bronze-red flowers and is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9. There would be few cut flowers blooming in October were it not for hardy garden mums. If using scissors or other pruning tools when pinching back, pruning or cutting flowers, be sure to sterilize your cutting tools. Mums water requirements include an evenly moist soil, so providing extra water during dry spells is helpful. A Fool and His Garden | Letter from the Editor, Dahlias Don’t Ask Much | Letter from the Editor, It’s Just Business | Letter from the Editor, Natural Stone and Ground Covers Are a Great Combination. If you place two plants side by side, the differences are startling; shaded plants appear lanky and shriveled, whereas sun-drenched mums have thick stems with a shrublike aesthetic. When planted in a Mid-South landscape with Full Sun & well drained soil, Garden Mums will perform as perennials. When choosing a solar shade, the darker the color you select, the more view you will have. Garden mums are often used as annuals. See pdf above for a full list. For the best flowers, mums also need fertile, well-drained garden soil or potting mix. Do not plant mums near a street lamp or porch light, since artificial light will affect their bloom cycle and may result in fewer flowers. CareGarden mums need fertile soil and can take light shade, although they grow best in full sun. In general, flowers start opening between six and 10 weeks later, depending on the variety. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Although shortening days in late summer are critical for a mum to bloom, the plant also depends on good light throughout the season to grow well and develop into a strong plant. Until July 4th, continue pinching back after each 3-5 inches of growth. The best site for a mum is one that gets full sun for the entire day, although the plant can tolerate some light shade. Full sunlight conditions must be met with a moist soil consistency. Its flowers can be round and resemble pom-poms, flat with petals that mimic spoons, or spidery with very thin petals. Reduced light in the fall stimulates the mum plant to create its fantastic blooms.


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