Retighten the neck screws when the adjustment is complete. For strings to stay in tune, they should be changed regularly. If the neck is too concave (action too high), turn the truss rod nut clockwise to remove excess relief. How you wind the strings onto the pegs is very important. To check neck relief: fret the low E at the first and 15th fret (not 12th) reach to the 7th fret and tap string. you need to loosen the neck truss rod, so that neck appears straight to your eye. Adjust the first-string bridge saddle to this scale length, measuring from the inside of the nut to the center of the bridge saddle. Make sure that as you wind the string on the machine head, (if applicable to 'Strat' and 'Tele' type guitars) that your string is sitting under the string tree on the head stock. Play test: Play every string at every fret checking for buzzes. After you've played a few riffs and done a few slaps and pops, you can then do your final tuning. For guitars with the Micro-Tilt adjustment, loosen the two neck screws on both sides of the adjustment access hole on the neckplate by at least four full turns. Tightening the hex adjustment screw with an 1/8" hex wrench approximately 1/4 turn will allow you to raise the action approximately 1/32". Stretch you string near the nut and make sure you're pulling with one hand, and with your other hand pushing the string at the machine head gently. Low E and A should measure 2/64", D and G =1.5/64" and B and high E = 1/64". Adjustment at headstock (allen wrench): Sight down the edge of the fingerboard from behind the headstock, looking toward the body of the instrument. 24 Hour Customer Service, (click here for local numbers) Low E and A should measure 2/64", D and G =1.5/64" and B and high E = 1/64". The ‘standard’ height of the action at the nut is 0.030 inches (0.76mm) for the low E string. Adjustments should be made after all of the above have been accomplished. How often should I have a set-up adjustment done on my instrument? Note: These are minimum specifications that are meant as a guide; they should not be construed as hard and fast rules, as we realize that every player's subjective requirements often differ. Experiment with the height until the desired sound and feel is achieved. If the neck is too concave (action too high), turn the truss rod nut clockwise to remove excess relief. Play a note - Pull the string (give it a good go , if you’re worried about breaking the string then use the low E (the fattest string as there is no way you can break this string) play the same note again. 4. Now stretch near the bridge saddle. Grab a pencil; rub the pencil graphite in the slot, notice the led begin to flake off into the nut slot. Remember, basses are tempered instruments! How do I set up my Fender guitar properly? Do the same with the high E, measurement should be 3/64". Now measure the string height at the nut; underside of the string to the top of the fret. On many American series guitars, a Micro-Tilt adjustment is offered. Pull the third string 3 1//2" (89 mm) past its tuning post, cut it, and repeat the winding procedure. Note: If you feel that this adjustment needs to be made and you're not comfortable doing it yourself, take your guitar to your local Fender Authorized Dealer. There should be a small space between string and fret - no thicker than a piece of paper. Hi I'm David the final inspector at Gibson Memphis. If the neck is too convex (strings too close to the fingerboard), turn the truss rod nut counter-clockwise to allow the string tension to pull more relief into the neck. Measuring at the 12th fret (as in the photo), the action height should be 2.6 mm for Steel String Acoustic guitar, 1.8 for electric, 2.0mm for bass and 3mm for a Classical. You will need a mechanics rule to do this properly. Too little string has been wound on the machine head When the bottom of a mark aligns with the bottom of the string, that measurement is the string height at that point. If sharp, lengthen the string by adjusting the saddle back. Bridge pickup should be 3/64" (I think the 3/64" is a typo, it should be 3/32") , neck pickup should be 4/32". 2. Move the third saddle back from the second saddle, using the gauge of the third string as a measurement. wipe away excess. Adjust the fourth saddle in the same manner (and fifth if you have a five-string bass). Put a bend in the end of your string 1-cm from the ball, as you push the bridge pin in the guitar pull back on the string so it’s sitting right on the sound board (as an added benefit your tone will also be much better). Note: Larger string gauges need wider vibrational allowances. Check out our blog post for an easy way to adjust your truss rod. Pull the second and first strings 4 1/2" (114 mm) past their tuning posts and cut and wind as noted. Note: If you're using a taper-wound fourth string (and fifth if it's a five-string bass), use the actual gauge of the string for your measurement rather than the dimension of the tapered portion of the string. How do I set up my Telecaster® guitar properly? We set our guitars to 6/64" on the 6th string and 4/64" on the 1st string—a good all-around starting place for action height—but we’ll vary this by 25 percent or so in either direction if we know the player involved or for consideration of other factors like scale length. Because of the amount of tension on the neck, it's advisable to replace and tune each new string before removing the next string. Check each string at the 12th fret, harmonic to fretted note (make sure you are depressing the string evenly to the fret, not the fingerboard). What should I do when taking my equipment to be serviced? Measure string action (the height of the string above the fret) at any point by placing the gauge behind the string. You can preset the basic intonation of your bass by taking a tape measure and measuring from the inside of the nut to the center of the 12th fret (the fret wire itself; not the fingerboard). Re-tune and repeat several times. Set of automotive feeler gauges (.002-.025) (0.05–1 mm), 6" (150 mm) ruler (with 1/32" and 1/64" increments) (0.5 mm increments), Light machine oil (3-in-1, toy locomotive or gun oil). For example, if the second string is .060" (1.5 mm), you would move the second-string saddle back .060" (1.5 mm) from the first saddle. Action determines how much pressure and distance is required for the string to make full contact with each fret. Now try another test. Martin dreadnoughts with “factory action” tend to have slightly higher action than some other modern guitars. If the neck is too convex (strings too close to the fingerboard), turn the truss rod nut counter-clockwise to allow the string tension to pull more relief into the neck. Check your tuning, then re-check the gap with the feeler gauge and re-adjust as needed. Too Much string on the machine head – the ideal here is 3-4 turns, 1 layer of wind only Setting pickups too high can cause a number of unusual occurrences. Re-tune, play and make further adjustments as needed. The small rulers are OK, but a wide ruler is much easier to make sure you have it nice and straight (and if its not straight your measurement will be wrong). Faulty Machine heads - meaning it's not winding (faulty worm-gear). Pull the second and first strings 3 1/2" (89 mm) past their tuning posts and cut and wind as noted. Don't over tighten or force it as you could damage your guitar if your not careful. The following setup procedures and specifications are for you Fender bass as equipped with the strings that come on the instrument as standard equipment from the factory. There are a few other things that you can do to optimize your tuning stability that have more to do with playing and tuning habits. When it is curved away from the string. It should be 5/64". Though there are definitely those that have different preferences but if you want a starting point then 0.030 inches is generally considered the standard. Now you need to change the action height. Strings that have lost their integrity (worn where pressed against the fret) or have become oxidized, rusty and dirty will not return to pitch properly. Players with a light touch can get away with lower action; others need higher action to avoid rattles. 1. However, with locking tuners, go past the note and tune down to pitch. A shim is placed in the neck pocket, underneath the butt end of the neck. Much of the thump and pop you expect from your bass starts right there.
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