particularly punished for political-ideological hypocrisy, while there is less evidence that gender stereotypes matter. No, Is the Subject Area "Culture" applicable to this article? By implication, gender essentialists are inclined to object to power-seeking women and non-power-seeking men. For example, both the threat of social change (in men) and activation of system-justification motives (in women and men) increase endorsement of essentialist accounts of gender differences [17, 23]. Within the academic literature, social science research seeking, ]). Finally, in addition to the predicted backlash effect, the Danish candidate preference analysis showed greater preference for candidates who were power-seeking and among gender non-essentialists, and significant interactions between essentialism and both target gender and power-seeking (i.e., essentialists showed greater preference than non-essentialists for candidates who were male and power-seeking). Thus, Koch, D’Mello and Sackett [46] recently found no evidence of backlash against competent women, and showed that students and working adults were more susceptible to gender role incongruity than experienced professionals. erence than non-essentialists for candidates who were male and power-seeking). In Beyond Mars and Venus, he provides much-needed guidance as to how to navigate the path of love in complicated times like these.” —Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times bestselling author “A true expert understands that as times change, tried-and-true methods must be reexamined and updated. PMID: emotion in the workplace. We discuss the implications of our findings for challenging gender essentialist views among students and the general public through exposure to research on gender similarities and increased critical thinking about scientific research evidence. Consequently, the large majority of items were framed comparatively, referring to women and men, girls and boys, or feminine and masculine. Moreover, these dimensions are compatible with considerable sex-segregation of occupational roles, and prior research has found greater endorsement of gender stereotypes in developed countries scoring more favorably on such gender equality measures (e.g., [37, 38]). Eur J Soc Psychol. Analysis of item-total correlations, item variances, and verbal clarity, led to the elimination of six items that failed to cohere, failed to discriminate among partici-, pants, or were confusing to participants. Theorists and researchers, have proposed that essentialist thinking involves beliefs that a human group is natural, immu-, table, discrete, informative, historically and cross-culturally invariant, and grounded in deep-, seated, biological, factors. Participants were also asked to report whether they would want the specific politician as their candidate on a rating scale from 1 (not at all) to 7 (very much), as a measure of candidate preference. J Pers Soc Psychol. Investigation, Political orientation was assessed by a single-. Such perceptions may contribute to unequal work outcomes for women relative to men. Although the movement toward greater acceptance of gays and lesbians in the workplace has made significant progress, the transformation is so far incomplete. nificant in the low power-seeking condition, pattern indicates a backlash reaction against the female candidate when she is presented as. The research was approved by the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics committee (Ethics ID 1442956). Gender essentialist explanations are often engaged when arguing against gender equality interventions, ... As the literature also stresses, this means that Danes generally champion the success feminism in the past by declaring that gender equality constitutes a defining Danish, cultural value (Danish Ministry of Culture, 2016; Dahlerup, 2018), which precludes the need for further feminist activism, politics or intervention in the present. Backlash would be demonstrated by target Gender, expected direction, and moderation of backlash by GE would be demonstrated if these two-, way interactions were accompanied by significant three-way target Gender, Significant backlash effects were found in the Australian sample for moral outrage and in, the Danish sample for moral outrage and candidate preference (see Tables, tion to the predicted backlash effect, the Australian moral outrage, cantly greater outrage towards male politicians, towards low power-seeking politicians, and, among participants higher in gender essentialism, as well as significant two-way interactions, between essentialism and both target gender and power-seeking (i.e., less outrage towards.


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