You do need to apply for the draw and we were able to get over the counter doe tags as well. The antelope in Wyoming have done very well this year. March 13, 2014 Eight or nine points will be needed to hunt here. Should be better this year with another year for all of the small 4 pointers to grow up. With a mild winter and a wet spring, this area should be back to its old big buck producing ways this year. Guy’s “Low-Point” Picks: 48-1 & 2 (86/100), 63-1 & 2 (83/100), 73-1 (72/100)- Most of these areas should consistently produce nice bucks in the 75 to 82-inch range, and this year could be even better here. The Cowboy State has more pronghorns than residents, and 50 percent of the state is in public ownership. But be warned: They sell out quickly and are for units covered in private land. Is Guy starting to act like Garth? The Eastman family has a agenda. That is absurd. The Type-1 early hunt is the better of the two hunts available in this area. We’re not idiots out here. Suggesting crappy units to make the premo units easier draws for cronies and clients? Best low point option: Area-63, Type-2 (Special): This area has plenty of antelope, contains 80% public land and has a very solid success rate. I think this could be the year for good antelope in the Cowboy State. This archery antelope hunt remains the best first-time Western adventure as you will see many animals and have a great opportunity to bring home a trophy. Most roads in this hunt area become nearly impassable when wet and muddy. Nobody now’s where they will be but ill trust more on somebody that’s sells magazines and a lot of them about hunting and has tons of professional hunters working for him then my wild guess, so thank u, p.s. This could be the year for this area. What is the agenda you refer to? Thanks for your dedication and the others... Adam: Great buck Guy! 1) 114-1 (98/100)- A relatively liberal season, over 90% public land and very limited hunting pressure with a quota of only 50 tags, this area is about as good as it gets this year for Wyoming antelope. p a r k c a m p b e l l c r o o k s h e r i d a n t e t o n j o h n s o n w e s t o n w a s h a k i e h o ta s p r i n g s f r e m o n t n a t r o n a Average antelope bucks … Why do you even look then? We started hunting up by lander because our area is so Hammered by winter kill. The southern counties of Carbon and Sweetwater should be back to big buck production after a nearly five-year slip. We publish book and magazines, along with producing videos, DVDs, and TV programs. #2 #3 and #5 are good picks, but I think even #5 is dropped in years past. Pronghorn antelope — the colorful, audacious racer of the plains — are inexpensive to hunt. DIY Blog. Archery Antelope Hunts Wyoming. I should have trusted Guy. I have to say, if I where sitting on max points this year, I would surely be very cautious with my choice and more than likely would opt out for a point. Im glad someone called Guy out on this one. Any helpful hints or flaws in my plan please let me know. Backcountry Hunting, Face a head-on charge! Mark Cattelona, Johnson, VT. Eastmans’ Publishing, Inc. is a holding company engaged in publishing. My #3 pick, Area 67, has had decent antelope numbers over the past few years but the trophy quality has suffered quite a bit. Hunting Access in Wyoming - Public Access Summary. I’ve personally seen what the numbers of deer and size of deer have done down there in the last 10 years. Thanks Guy for the info!. Eastmans’ Publishing, Inc. is a holding company engaged in publishing. I’d certainly trust Guy’s picks for deer over yours, That name calling just proved who the idiot is. Arapahoe Butte (6,086'), Birdseye Mountain (7,461'), Chalk Butte (5,531'), Copper Mountain (8,143'), Day Butte (5,361'), Dolis Hill (5,485'), Dolus Hill (5,650'), Fuller Peak (7,418'), Gates Butte (5,220'), Gibbs Butte (5,213'), Greer Peak (7,621'), Long Butte (5,325'), Lookout Hill (5,827'), Lysite Mountain (7,198'), Needles Eye Butte (6,086'), Steffen Hill (6,276'), Water Tank Hill (5,059') For only four or five points you can hunt this unit which offers up some very good antelope hunting in a prime county with the potential for some very good bucks. Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief For a low point holder, any of these five hunts will be a relatively high-quality antelope hunt for those will less than five points to spend. If the weather doesn't cooperate expect only 130-140 class deer. Add to that a nice improvement in the habitat, less competition for feed, and a reduced tag quota, and this area could be very solid hunt, even with a bit of a gamble involved. Looking at units 20 & 21. FYI, in Wyoming, I've been drawn with "0" points and not been drawn with 5 points for the same unit.. so you having "0" points is not the end of the world for public land. Eastmans’ Publishing, Inc. is a multimedia corporation whose roots are grounded in the ethics of fair chase hunting. A relatively liberal season, over 90% public land and very limited hunting pressure with a quota of only 50 tags, this area is about as good as it gets this year for Wyoming antelope. The antelope in Wyoming have done very well this year. The best way to avoid getting sick is to ascend gradually, but if you have to ascend quickly, medicines are available to prevent altitude illness. While it may be tempting to acquire a license in these units, be forwarned that you need to have a game plan before headng out to hunt. We strive to help our audiences become more skilled and ethical hunters, while expanding their knowledge, appreciation, and awareness of the outdoors and wildlife through entertainment media. 10) Area-73-1: This antelope hunt area is one of the best in the state for the point burn in my opinion.


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