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SHP Talks: In his third video for SHP Safety Talks, Dr Dominic Cooper explains how engaged employees are much less likely to be involved in an incident, and that the costs of disengaged employees are about six times more for an incident than for an engaged employee. Or choose SKIP to access one module of the course. This book is a very useful first introduction to Behavioural Safety, and a good reference book for those already involved.Nick Cornwall-Smith, The Safety & Health Practitioner. This book is a very useful first introduction to Behavioural Safety, and a good reference book for those already involved. STOP DataPro® STOP DataPro® is a secure, web-based application that makes it easy to record and analyze safety performance data and also generate reports. SHP Talks: In his fourth video for SHP Safety Talks, Dr Dominic Cooper discusses how to control serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs). The award-winning STOP® safety training observation program from DuPont provides a path to workplace safety excellence at Emerson’s Rosemount™ measurement and analytical technologies. *Discounts available for bulk purchases of 10 or more. They use a combination of methods to give people the information, skills and willingness to work more safely, to maximize their learning and to apply what they learn to the real world. Learn more, Learn how STOP DataPro® enhances Moen's STOP® program overall. Previews are for evaluation only and may not be used for training. It also uses observation of behaviors to determine whether behaviors are safe or unsafe, and it uses positive or corrective feedback on performance to reinforce safe behavior and change unsafe behavior. google_ad_format = "300x250_as";
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* Not all products available in all languages. STOP® Implementation Assistance Workshops STOP® Implementation Assistance Workshops were designed to train the trainer. Lean Behavior-Based Safety® Pareto Analysis (Duration 9 minutes) This is a collection of three videos that are designed to supplement the Lean BBS® training materials by explaining crucial concepts that some internal consultants and facilitators find challenging. These videos provide the rationale and strategy of Lean Behavior-Based Safety® methods for management, the workforce, and observers to visually describe the process so that it is easy to understand and to quickly get everyone on-board with the process. Learn more. The purchasing company is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement for internal use only. Learn more, Get an overview of the STOP® principles and a brief synopsis of the different STOP® programs. li.nav {text-indent: -8px; list-style-type: square; font-family: arial, helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 12px; color: #ffffff;}
STOP® Assessment Service Finally, the STOP® Assessment Service assesses how effective the STOP® program is in your workplace. A.nav:visited {COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none}
Lean Behavior-Based Safety® Management Overview (Duration 13 minutes) Individuals in a leadership position must understand how and why this process works and learn the implementation and sustainability principles that lead to BBS success and failure. You will come away from it with a better understanding of Behavior-Based Safety and its adaptability to a wide variety of cultures and settings'. The program encourages a mindset where safety is a discussion that takes place every day, not just when completing a formal observation. Behavior-based safety training programs are available for both supervisors and employees and include: STOP® for Supervision A comprehensive, behavior-based safety program, STOP® for Supervision establishes the framework for the entire STOP® series. For new users, please complete the entire form below. For more information, or to enquire about additional languages, please contact your account representative. Identifying trends and tracking corrective actions are all possible through STOP DataPro®. keep talking the safety talk, it doesn't hurt to speak up, the most important reason for workplace safety isn't at work at all). google_color_link = "maroon";
Insights derived from this application provide managers with knowledge that can be acted upon to improve behavioral safety training programs at your organization®. SHP Talks: In his fifth video for SHP Safety Talks, Dr Dominic Cooper discusses Safety Performance Indicators. Behavior-Based Safety refers to the use of applied behavior analysis models to achieve continuous improvement in safety performance. Get introduced to safety culture, understand change management, reduce workplace accidents, and most importantly, improve your company’s bottom line. Learn more, Customize training and empower employees with the DuPont™ eLearning Suite, Copyright 2020 Coastal Training Technologies. A.nav:active {COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none}
Learn more, A quick look at the features and benefits of the STOP DataPro® web-based application and new mobile app. It helps participants look at safety in a new way, so they can help themselves and their co-workers work safely. To learn more, please visit, Didn't receive your code? Thank you for previewing our training programs. Then press ''SUBMIT''. The contents may not be duplicated or distributed by electronic media. Lean Behavior-Based Safety® Workforce Briefing (Duration 6 minutes) This video will explain what BBS is, the benefits of BBS, how the process works, what a BBS process does and doesn't do or target, the four vital elements to create and ensure trust in the process.
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