It also uses observation of behaviors to determine whether behaviors are safe or unsafe, and it uses positive or corrective feedback on performance to reinforce safe behavior and change unsafe behavior. The best way to prevent an incident from repeating itself is to utilize behavior-based safety(BBS), which examines the overall safety of your workplace. with top-down support from safety leaders. In order to properly perform a BBSO, the observer must inform the observee that they are being watched. There are many workplace safety models out there. It could stem from a lack of resources that has yet to be addressed (e.g. Safety Approach Job Safety Analysis, Many companies use behavior-based safety in some capacity and these talks can pass along a message that incorporates some of the principles from behavior-based safety. By nature, people do what they see. In an article titled The Contributing Factors of Behavior Based Safety Failures, EHS identifies the most common reasons why BBS programs fail or are ineffective. Encourage observers to record the reasons that the worker gives as to why they displayed unsafe behaviour. It always includes positively reinforcing observers for doing observations, and also always includes behaviors related to hazard remediation. It also uses observation of behaviors to determine whether behaviors are safe or unsafe, and it uses positive or corrective feedback on performance to reinforce safe behavior and change unsafe behavior. Forget one-size-fits-all. by Terry E McSween. Join us by subscribing to our news blog and receive updates on what’s new in the world of EHS, our software and other related topics. Other sections, such as those for specific procedures, personnel, and tools and equipment are also common. Does my Company Need To Do Behaviour Based Safety Observations? A safe place of work is one that doesn’t have to worry about having its employees sidelined from the types of injuries that keep them off work for weeks or even months, which creates problems for both the worker and the company itself. A behavior-based safety observation is a type of inspection conducted for employees. Tags: Checklists often include the basics of the observation (time, date, location, behaviors observed, observer) and the number of safe and unsafe observations of the reviewer. 2020 © StarTex Software LLC. Behaviour based safety observations (BBSO) are an integral part of behaviour based safety programs, which aim to reduce the number of incidents by recognizing safe behaviour, and eliminating the need for unsafe behaviour. By acknowledging safe work behaviours in a positive way, workers are encouraged to repeat the behaviour, and others are more likely to follow suit. Utilizing digital behavior-based safety checklists can help organizations eliminate root causes of at-risk behavior and inspire employees to be self-accountable. What Does a Safety Officer Do in the Workplace? Doing so prevents safety observations from becoming just a list of what’s wrong (or who’s doing things wrong) while at work. Safety observations examples are relatively what you would expect from a checklist of workplace safety goals. This means establishing a solid workplace safety model is crucial for the success of any company. In 2017, there were more than 5,000 fatal work injuriesand nearly three million nonfatal workplace injuries. One popular one is known as behavior-based safety (BBS). Observers need to be employees who have training in conducting on-site safety reviews, are experienced in the tasks they are observing and should be respected by their co-workers. All Rights Reserved. For example, safety signs, training, safety rules and policies, and safety meetings are all tools that can be put to good use in a behavioral safety framework. One example would be under the personal protective equipment (PPE) section of a checklist, which would record whether workers have proper PPE according to the job they’re conducting, whether they’re wearing that PPE correctly, and whether the PPE they do have are in good enough condition. Behavior-Based Safety is When selecting observers within your company, ensure that candidates: BBOs are intended to determine if workers are able to perform tasks safely and identify any hazards that could potentially cause harm. Safety Culture, As a further example, safety observations also typically include a housekeeping section in order to ensure that work areas are being used for their proper purpose, are clear of any obstructions, have any work materials stored in a safe manner, and if proper disposal procedures are being followed. This is, of course, the goal of a behavior-based workplace safety model – to make the workplace as injury-free as possible by reinforcing safe behaviors and discouraging unsafe ones, all while keeping workers engaged in the process. The BBS model makes use of safety observations, which have been shown to be effective in fostering safer work environments. When performing observations, the observer will fill out a form or checklist that breaks the task down into smaller elements. If your company is interested in following a Behaviour Based Safety program, keep one thing in mind: BBS isn't "us vs them". A behaviour-based safety approach promotes interventions that are people-focused and often incorporate one-to-one or group observations of employees performing routine work tasks, setting goals carefully and giving timely feedback on safety-related behaviour, coaching and mentoring. Behavior Based Safety (BBS) in Construction Trevor Atherton, CSP, CHST, CRIS Safety Manager Gribbins Insulation 1 Overview of BBS Program Barriers Communication Successes 2. BBSOs should be performed on a regular basis between workers. It’s important to remember that, as a manager, safety observations can act as a powerful tool to identify areas of a worksite that need to be strengthened. Self-Observations in Behavior-Based Safety . 2 BBS - It’s the science of people’s behaviors associated with their surroundings, choices, and actions regarding safety. It is human nature to look for flaws or negativity, however, the objective of BBS is to look for and praise positive behaviours. The general idea is that by creating safe work habits through observations, the number of incidents will decrease among workers. The Construction Owners Association of Alberta, The Contributing Factors of Behavior Based Safety Failures.


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