Each part of the Amazon Set (Titled Achilles Set when using Alexios) can be acquired by defeating Cultist members of the Heroes of the Cult. … Achilles Set (Male Only) *Note: For male characters this is called the Achilles Set and for females … Legendary chest containing Pilgrim’s Gloves is found inside Akropolis of Argos. #4 Pilgrim’s Gloves. AC Odyssey legendary armor – Achilles & Amazon. It consists of a leather bodice, bracers that cover the entire forearm, a skirt with leather tassets, metal greaves that cover the entire shin and the inevitable circlet/headband. And no, you can’t get all of these right at the start. Check Out How to Hunt Cultists Cultists … The Amazon set looks like Wonder Woman’s costume. During the Peloponnesian War, the set was obtained by the SpartanmisthiosAlexios.1 1 Statistics 2 Trivia 3 Appearances 4 References The … Some of these are easily missed to check out our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey armor set location guide to get them all. You may need to proceed further in the story to eliminate these members. Armor sets make a return in AC Odyssey. TheAchilles Setwas a set of armor said to have belonged to the legendary hero Achilles in Greece during the 5th century BCE. Where to find Achilles Legendary warrior and tendon aficionado, Achilles, is next on your list. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, there are legendary armor sets that players can obtain by completing missions, defeating specific bosses, or simply opening the right chests in the right areas.Obtaining and equipping a full set of legendary armor will grant players bonuses, some of which may change the entire course of their journey (including how they approach Odyssey's abilities). Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Armor Set Location Guide


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