These tests are done at specific times during pregnancy. Near the end of the first trimester — by about 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy — you might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with a small … How many prenatal appointments can I expect to have during pregnancy? Pregnant women still require antenatal visits. Antenatal care and education: regional variations Figure 9. Antenatal care and education Figure 8. Depending on when you find out you're pregnant and have your first prenatal visit, you'll have a total of about 10 to 15 appointments. Your next prenatal visits — often scheduled about every four weeks during the first trimester — might be shorter than the first. Scheduled doctor visits will of course vary depending on your OB and your own physical state, but these general guidelines should give you an idea of what to expect: 4 to 28 weeks One visit … 20 minute vs. 10 minutes for phone/video visits) as needed per schedule below. Number of visits for antenatal care: detail Figure 5. Health Checks during antenatal visits. Periodic checks during the antenatal period along with blood and urine tests, help in monitoring the pregnancy and ensure safety of … Third trimester prenatal visits (28 weeks through the end of pregnancy) But the number of scheduled appointments you'll have depends on your medical history and whether you have any complications or conditions (such as gestational diabetes , high blood pressure , or a history of preterm labor ) that warrant more frequent checkups. Timing of first antenatal visit Figure 6. Given that there is a need to reduce number of visits and women themselves might wish to reduce exposure to others, the timing and frequency of prenatal visits … For a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy, following the prenatal check up and testing schedule is crucial. Antenatal care and urban/rural residence Figure 7. 3. Available survey data on this indicator usually do not specify the type of the provider; therefore, in general, receipt of care by any provider is measured. Appendix D: Antenatal appointments (schedule and content) [2008] The schedule below, which has been determined by the purpose of each appointment, presents the recommended number of antenatal care appointments for women who are healthy and whose pregnancies remain uncomplicated in the antenatal period: 10 appointments for nulliparous women and 7 for parous women. Figure 3. Prenatal Testing Schedule First Prenatal Visit (8-10 weeks) History & Physical PAP & Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Cultures Review of pregnancy modifications, diet & exercise Sign consent forms Prenatal blood work (includes blood type, antibody screen, hematocrit, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, HIV, Rubella, Thyroid, urinalysis) Reduce in-person prenatal care to essential services requiring in -person contact (initial prenatal visit, anatomy ultrasound, 28, 36, and 39 week) 2. First two trimesters: Prenatal visits continue every 4-6 weeks through the first two trimesters, or until you are 28 weeks along. Antenatal care coverage (at least four visits) is the percentage of women aged 15 to 49 with a live birth in a given time period that received antenatal care four or more times. Number of visits for antenatal care: summary Figure 4. Antenatal care by age group Figure 10. Conduct additional prenatal visits through telemedicine platforms (allow for longer visit; e.g. Let it be the regular pregnancy check up visit or doing several pregnancy ultrasound scans to check the health of the baby, it is important to follow the schedule for your and your growing baby's health.
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